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The to-hit bonus is irrelevant and on higher difficulty (and even on Normal for many PCs) the dodge bonus is also irrelevant. The resistance bonus is small enough that Hardiness will usually be a better value.


I'm not sure if/how Luck affects item drops in A5. Randomizer seemed to have an idea that, for item drops, Luck was counted when an area is loaded, which is usually 1 area before you actually enter it; that would explain a lot of our weird testing results from A4. There are so many good things to spend money on for a party of four that early investment in Luck might be worthwhile just for the extra cash -- assuming it does affect item drops.

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There are some weird results with luck drops or extra items drops. The best case is for luck of 1 with Captain Newsom. You can get additional items of iron shield and studded belt. I've played through that area enough to have seen usually one of them about half the time. It probably isn't worth doing anything until you can get the cheap trainer in Thalants and you want to maximize all your trainable skills.

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Luck -- alas.


I just ran a test which, unlike previous tests, accounted for Randomizer's area loading theory. And the test still suggests Luck has no impact on item drops. I loaded, teleported into Gladwell's Keep from the portal fort and killed the three townspeople there. Each has, according to the script, a 40% chance of dropping 20 coins and the same chance to drop a dagger. Those chances were well represented, but Luck did not appear to affect the chances. Here's the data:


00 Luck: 7/20 coins, 9/20 daggers

10 Luck: 8/20 coins, 6/20 daggers

40 Luck: 7/20 coins, 9/20 daggers


Total: 23/60 coins, 24/60 daggers

Expected: 24/60 coins, 24/60 daggers


I did notice that my attacks did slightly more damage with very high Luck, although this was somewhat inconsistent.

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