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Difficulty in Tranquility

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I don't know if I'm just doing something wrong or if the game is this tough...


I've managed my way into Tranquility and now I'm on the quest to the sentinal workshop. But the enemies are just so damn tough. >.< The bladed ones are easy enough, but the flame ones can take one of my guys out in one shot if I'm not careful. Maybe it's just that I'm not at the level I should be. My average HP per character is only about 70. And my resists are around 30% for everyone, save the archer who seems to be weak as hell. I'm getting very, very frustrated and the shock sentinals kinda made me put this game down.


I don't want to whine, but if this game isn't even half way done and I'm having this much trouble, I don't want to continue at all. Can anyone help me a bit please?

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This area is pretty hard. Investing a little bit in endurance might be wise to up your HP a bit. Doing some side quests and raising your levels would be a good idea.


A useful strategy is to have your fighters run up and try to engage the fire sentinels in melee so they do not use their ranged attack. Also, use slow and battle disciplines like shield breaker and leg sweep with impunity.

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First what difficulty level are you playing the game? If you are on hard or torment then your party is definitely underpowered.


Before getting into combat you should buff up your party so all the characters are augmented (mage spell) to increase their health. You should add to endurance since this is only going to get worse. When you first see a hostile monster at the edge of your screen use prismatic shield in this area to reduce fire, cold, and energy (magical) damage. Shield spell decreases damage by 20% so that always should be cast.


Some of these sentinels have weaker melee attacks compared to their range attacks so being hasted to close quickly is needed. This doesn't always works so just moving up enough to attack the closest one at extreme range sometimes keeps the others from attacking. You lure them out one at a time from a group.


There are other things you can do but I think you need to wander around and do all the other quests that you can in this area before trying the Sentinel Workshop.

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