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Possible Bug on Windows version?

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A mage on one of my games gets the message that her armor is too encumbering to cast mage spells when I press "M" or click the mage spell icon to cast her spells, yet she doesn't when I press "S" or "C" or whatever it is, to bring up that list with all the mage and priest spells on it, and I can cast that way.


Bug? Also, can someone explain to me how that works, how much armor can you wear before it won't let you cast? Does it go off weight, or -to hit chances, or something else entirely?

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It's based on hit penalty. A mage without Natural Mage can only wear armour with up to a -5% to-hit rate, while a mage with Natural Mage can have a total of -20% in penalties. Note that equipment which increases your to-hit rate, like the Ratskin Shawl, also reduces your effective encumbrance by the same amount.


Email your bug report to Spiderweb Software (spidweb@spiderwebsoftware.com) if you want Jeff to know about it and fix it in future games.

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