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Possible to buy two of every level

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I made a game in which i brought two of every skill before i increased them. You can get to the room behind Learned Pinner, Barzahl, and the guy in Outer Gazak Uss before getting any levels in anything, although Mechanics and Leadership make it much easier. Then you can steal the papers from the Awakened and give them to Barzahl over and over for infinite money, then head to outer Gazak Uss and buy the skills before training them. Saves alot of skill points in the long run.

Then if you power house the game doing Loyalists, Barzites, Awakened then Takers then turn on them, doing as many of their quests as possible, you can finish the game with an extremely powerful character and get the best ending.

Getting through all the areas inbetween Pinner, Barzahl and Outer Gazak Uss isnt as hard as you might think.

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Do you feel the same by cheating in different ways? Is it the same to you to cheat by exploting save/reload, a bug, a cheat code (shift+d) or using a script? for example, some people feel bad about using a cheat code but are totally fine using a script or exploting save/reload.


I think all forms of cheating are unacceptable unless you are stuck (though I cheat a lot of the times), but if you are going to cheat save yourself some time and do it the easiest way. It's all cheating anyways.


Do you all feel the same way?

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I also don't think of Save/Reload as cheating. I often use it to explore different conversation options and courses of action without having to play through the whole game several times to see all of them.


As for the other methods of cheating, exploitation of game mechanics is a grey area, cheat codes are obviously cheating even from their name and Editors simply turn the game into something different, destroying all the challenge of playing it.

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Since this is a single-player game, you could argue that there is no such thing as cheating. You aren't competing against anybody else, so everybody can do whatever makes the game most enjoyable for then. If people were competing against each other, like they do to get into a Hall of Fame in newly released BoE scenarios, then things would be different. But since there is no Hall of Fame here, even editors are fine, if the users don't mind ruining the game for themselves.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I stumble back, dazed at the Save/Reload-is-a-cheat concept. Now I know why I seemed to know everything before it happens!


While Jeff laboured to draw me into a new world, I spoke not out of my will but to get people tell me all they could tell, only to have myself isolated from the shaper society for knowing too much.


Thank you very much for proposing, Marlenny.

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