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shortage of living tools

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I'm at the island of tears where the monks are but I've run out of living tools and can't figure out how to get more.


The stores dont seem to restock and I've been seriously short since Gull island. I think there were almost no living tools on gull.


So I cant get past several doors in the monastery so I'm stuck. I can't even get past the magical door. Is there any way to edit the tools that are available or at least restock the merchants.


I cant seem to finish this game and my mechanic skill is like 16

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16 with or without bonuses from items? If you can get your Mechanics to 20, you can open pretty much everything in the game without needing living tools. If you get to 20 mechanics and there's still something you can't open, chances are it needs a key and you're not really supposed to open it without one.

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I don't have the registered version yet (will get for x-mas, but I have certainly noticed the major lack of living tools. The advice I got from Kelnas: Yeah, I know what you mean about the living tools. I find that patience helps

conserve them, since a lot of times you find a key for that section later on,

and then you can go back and loot everything without using tools. I usually

stuff a bunch of skill points into Mechanics, too, just so I don't have to use

so many tools.

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also, if you happen to not be a guardian, you can get a lot of use out of the unlock spell (naturally it works best when combined with a high mechanics). mind you, you don't get XP for using unlock, though...


anyways, using unlock regularly, and not going crazy with living tools (if something needed 10 tools, i usually just waited... most of the time, you can get in later with a key, or just when you have higher skill) i ended up with something like 60 or 70 extra living tools, and i didn't buy any of them (although i did shamelessly steal as many as i could get my hands on). i can't really say i ever felt that i had a major shortage of them.

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