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Ehh...Dhonal's Keep problems...

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I don't know if I should have done this or if this is a bug, but I got to Dhonal's Keep not through the mountain pass, but by going ALL around the mountains.

OK...The story goes like this:

I was doing the game smoothly up until the mountain pass, where I couldn't get through those sliding stone doors. I went into that registration place, but everyone was dead, so I went out the back and to the main army base.I went through the base, through Spharon's lands, through some other places until I had gone all around the mountains and had ended up at Dhonal's West guard station thing, where the boat which you can use to get back to the second island is.Then I went into Dhonal's Keep(The city) and tried to get into the Inner keep, to Dhonal. The guards didn't let me through, and said that I should go speak to some commander guy in the barracks in the west side of town. I can't find that commander, and when I read

Matt P.'s walkthrough, it said I should talk to the shaper Fanjul, who would train me and also tell me how to get into the keep, but she doesn't do anything except say that the resources are stretched or she's busy or some other crap.

Any help?

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