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Southern Gates


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Well, I'm stuck again and oddly enough it looks like nobody else actually got stuck here :|

(At least not if the threads you can find through search are anything to go by).


Anyways, general info:

Playing as solo Agent on Normal.


Stats (with items equipped)

Level: 39

Int/End: 12/3

Magic: 18/6/5/14

13 points left to spend


My problem: The essense vlish slaughters me.

Actually, so does the gazer thing (I forget its name).


Come to think of it, I have lots of trouble with Gazers/Eyebeasts in general but this is the point where I've been unable to get around the problems.


Anyways, the crux of my problem is that I do pitiful amounts of damage to the gazer/vlish (I think the most I can get is about 60+), while the gazer thing does about 180+ to me, and the vlish stuns me to the point where I'm practacally comatose.


Any ideas where I went wrong/what I can do to correct this guys?

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First, you can try creations. Both that vlish and all gazers are vulnerable to physical damage. Do not put any points on shaping as a agent but it is harmless to have creations. Put that full-fanged bracelet from testing ground, black pearl talisman and the armor from Mr Hoge. Plus points from quests you have 5 in battle shaping and 6 in magic shaping. So try rotgroth or glaahk or battle alpha.


Another way is use melee youself. Enchant your claymore with reviving crystal. Does about 50 damage and have a decent chance of double swing even if you put no points in it. That vlish does little damage so go ahead melee and heal yourself when wounded.

About the gazer, icy spray does about 70 damage. Haste yourself then two hits and run.

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Well I havn't put any points in shaping, so accordingly I didn't really buy much in the way of creations.


Furthermore since I didn't expect to make creatures, I sold quite a number of items that are more for shaping than anything else (will have to check if I have any left in my item stashes).


To make things worse, I'm also out of money (spent on augmentations earlier) - but thats easily fixed since I have plenty of items I can sell.


Anyways, as to where else I dumped points I invested in leadership/mechanics, but not that heavily (Under 10 points in both from memory) but beyond that I didn't really put points anywhere else. I'm most curious as to how you managed to get your Spellcraft points so high.


Oh, something I forgot to add: I generally havn't been using canisters (Used 1 in total so far).


As for items, I suppose it may be time to start using the forge - I havn't actually bothered making any items yet.....

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You mean you don't have emerald chestplate or lightning girdle? That explained why you are stuck.


As for my spellcraft, 14 are raised, 7 from item. (Putrefied gauntlet +4, agent robe +1, two charm of mental focus +1 each.) I invested a few points on quick action, 8 in leadship and 9 in mechanics. (that is enough to turn of the machine in monestery cave since +2 from alteration and 9 from item) Basically all else are put on int, battle magic and spellcraft.


I think the most important thing you should do it to get better items. Most of my stats are from items.


ps: I have all but my poison resistance above 100%, and it seems a resistance of 100% reduce the damage taken to a quarter. So even in torment the gazer kill only takes about 110 damage. My icy spray can do more damage to them.

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Ah yes... it is best to look on walkthroughs and see what items you can make and make them, ASAP, if you won't replace them. I have about 3 luck myself, an Emerald Chestguard + Golden Crystal Enhance, Creator's Belt + golden Crystal enhance, Agent Cloak + golden crystal enhance, and blessed necklace, which really helps keep just about all my resistances at 75+... armor is 114%. Experiment with gem enhancement on artifacts you make and will use forever. PReplanning is the way to go IMHO.


By the way, have you tried using strong daze when surrounded by enemies? It really makes the game much, much easier- and it's one of those really nice things that come along BEFORE you really need them, so you can actually appreciate it. (Darn lateness of the best creations...) Mass Madness might work too.

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