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A Fun Bit of GF3 Trickery!

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All of this was done only with script modifications. I didn't touch the graphics file. First I changed the scripts to allow Hoge, Litalia, and another shaper to join my party, and then I messed with the color tints a bit until I got the desired result. Finally, I changed their names to the appropriate ones (although that was just for my sake, since it didn't show up in the screenshot).

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Well, I've made quite a few script modifications to enable this party, but I've attempted to track down and list all of them. Try out these modifications (making backups of all previous script files, of course) and tell me if you have any difficulties.


The first modification is in the file "gf3itemschars.txt". This modification was made for the purpose of adjusting the color tones for two creatures. The relevant changes are shown below:

begindefinecreature 1;	cr_base_level = 25;	cr_graphic_coloradj = 256;	cr_default_strategy = 1;	cr_regen_rate = 6;	cr_abil_num 1 = 165; 	cr_abil_level 1 = 3;
begindefinecreature 45;	import = 1;	cr_name = "Litalia";	cr_base_level = 40;	cr_graphic_coloradj = 513;		cr_abil_num 0 = 85; 	cr_abil_num 1 = 166; 	cr_abil_num 2 = 62; 	cr_abil_level 2 = 1;	cr_abil_step_of_launch 2 = 8;	cr_abil_anim_in_reverse 2 = 1;
The next modification occurs in the file, "z2southenddlg.txt". It allows Litalia to join the party in South End. Litalia's name can then, of course, be changed to "Paul McCartney," for example.


begintalknode 27;	state = 23;	nextstate = -1;	condition = 1;	question = "I would like to join you!";	text1 = "_Oh really? You would side with me already? Then you are foolish, I am afraid. You know nothing of me except that I have slaughtered those around you. But you are young. As you travel, you will learn of me and the real reasons to join me._";		text2 = "_When you reach the next island, my agents will contact you._";	text3 = "She gives you one last inspection with her cold eyes. _Oh, and you can do what you want on this island. My mission here is done, but I will stay with you to assist in your endeavors.";	action = END_TALK;code =add_char_to_party(8);break;
Next modification: "z17southmardlg.txt". This enables Master Hoge to join the party in the South Marsh. His name can subsequently be changed to "John Lennon."


begintalknode 20;	state = 13;	nextstate = -1;	condition = 1;	question = "I will try to meet with the rebels and at least see what they have to say.  But the trip is bound to be hazardous, and I believe I will require your assistance.";	text1 = "Master Hoge nods. _That is a wise route, careful and open-minded. And therefore very unlike a Shaper._";	text2 = "_I think that you will find Lankan to be surprisingly convincing. And he can use your help. His rebels are at the northeast corner of the island._";	text3 = "_Now I will go. We will meet again. Unless you are killed, of course. Goodbye._ Master Hoge leaves, walking confidently through the swamps to the north.";	action = END_TALK;code =add_char_to_party(8);break;
Final modification: "z18sanrudlg.txt". This modification allows Diwaniya to join the party in San Ru. He will reappear in his chambers when the party leaves the town and returns, so basically he is only being copied into the party. Once he has joined the party, his name can be changed to "Harrison," as "George Harrison" will not fit.


begintalknode 41;	state = 10;	nextstate = -1;	condition = get_flag(18,9) > 0 && get_flag(18,10) < 2;	question = "I have heard tell of a shaper known as Litalia.  She is highly dangerous, and I may need your help to defeat her.";	text1 = "He listens with interest as you talk about Litalia and what you have learned. Then he nods.";	text2 = "_Considering what I have seen in the last few weeks, I would not be surprised if a rogue Shaper has been acting on this island. However, I have not seen any such Shaper, or heard reports of any sightings. I will travel with you, and attempt to fight the threat posed by this rogue shaper with all of my might._";code =add_char_to_party(10);break;
That should do it for the script modifications. Just begin a new game, choose the pinkish shaper as your PC, name him "Ringo Starr," and go out and acquire the rest of your band! If you have any difficulties, just post here and I'll attempt to figure them out.
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