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GF3: can't get creators chamber on Dhonal open


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Having problems with completing Dhonal isle as a pro-rebel agent. I've seen in the FAQ on gamefaqs I shouldn't have killed Greiner, but that's the way I want it (it's a ROLEPLAYING game after all, isn't it?).


When I get to Creators Chambers, I recieve a notice that I need shaper army to advance here. Can I make them advance with Greiner dead? Or is there a pro-rebel workaround?


I have rather good mechanics (15+ with item enhancements), but leadership is rather poor (6 or so)

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Ok, I'll explain: you must visit and clean for rougues some particular Areas, which have some soldiers at the entrance. Since you have killed them General, they may attack you. Anyway, if they don't attack, speak with their Leader, tell him to wait, then kill all the hostile rogues. Then speak with their Leader again and they will proceed.


EDIT: Uhm... Maybe the Armies advance in the Areas only under a General order. Try to go back to Rahul... I dunno.

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Thanks for going through all the trouble. I'll try exploring around a bit and then if that doesn't work out...well, I have a save before I killed Greiner.


By the way, when I cleared overgrown road, there were some robed figures running up the way to creators chamber, I wonder if they have something to do with shaper army.

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