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Where is the Key to Metal Works - G3

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Have you talked to the merchant Phasia himself in the SW quarter of Dhonal South Keep? He gives you a key and a quest here.


As for the alarming and dangerous weight of Living Tools&, I always drop them on the ground when entering an unexplored zone. Ditto anything else that might cause an encumbrance penalty. You can always go back to the zone entry and get the Tools when you are sure that you will need them.


Anything that requires 6+ Tools to open may have some easier means of opening anyway, a lever nearby or a reward for completing a quest.

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You never receive physical keys in G3. They are, instead, entered as "Speical Items" in that section of your quest log. Since you have Phasia's quest you should be able to enter the metalworks without any difficulties.


As for encumberance, I tend to select a place on a map that has a lot of loot and drop off loads while I explore the area. Then I pick it all up and head to town to sort and sell. If there's too much for me to carry including all my potions, charms and spores I drop said charms and potions to make room since I'll be back on that map on my return trip regardless. I highly recommend the "exitzone" cheatcode (without quotes) to make the game faster.

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