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Creation strength and dexterity

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It's more useful to make sure they are high level by pumping your shaping stats and creating them early. Energy is determined for creations just like it is for PCs, so both Intelligence and Level are multiplied into the mix. A level 20 creation will have a base Intelligence of 10, 12 if you want to control it, so spending the overpriced essence to boost its Int score will only increase its staying power by about 8% -- less than that, really, since it does regenerate Energy each round.


Also note that energy used varies widely by the attack and is the same as the spell with the same effect. Fyoras and Drayks should almost never run out, as they copy Firebolt (4 energy). I forget how much the Vlish attack costs, but it's also relatively cheap. Artila, Roamers, Cryoas, Cryodrayks, and Terror Vlish cost 40-50 energy a hit but even with them, at high levels, they can go quite a while. Drakons and Gazers and especially Eyebeasts are the only ones that are likely to have severe energy problems, at 75-200 energy a pop.


EDIT: Yes, magic attacks are included. When I say "all attacks" I mean ALL attacks made by creations. There are no exceptions. (Actually, this may apply to every character in the game outside of your PC. Not sure about that.)

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