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amd what is your favourite creation (or army if you want it)?

Dark Mage

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maybe this has been posted before, but what creations do you like?

i personally like the drakons, and gazers,but i think that the searing artila are so lovely (i keep one with me almost all the game).


i really hate the rotgroths and the rotzhidon, i never used them really but i had enough with killing them in the 4 and 5 island, and they are so expensive.

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This has been done a few times, but I'm going to be lazy this time and not post the links.


I like Drayks and Cryodrayks. I play an Agent with one Cryoa until I get the first Drayk canister. I keep one drayk until I'm able to make Cryodrayks, and I'll keep one or two of them with me. Fire creations have always worked best for me, and though I have tried the others I always go back to my regular creations.

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I personally like dryaks in all GF games, but glahhks seem a little weak in GF3, unlike in GF1, so i don't like them so much. I've never used Rotgroths or Gazers before so i don't know much about them, so I basically like drayks, vlish, and drakons (for some weird reason... Probably because my Guardian had one in GF2)

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I'm in my 3rd game as an agent and I'm still following the advice of Alex(?) who wrote the fabulous creation list for G2. I put one point into battle shaping early on in order to make a thad or two and, later, add some points into strength and dexterity.


What a fabulous creation for very, very little cost. I think the thad is underrated, in truth. Used this way, at higher levels he can inflict some serious damage on opponents. And, as Alex points out, by the time he's leveled up and you put some points in the above-mentioned stats, he's as good as a Battle Beta. But lots cheaper.


I used to only use creations with ranged attacks before I read Alex's excellent analysis.


Currently, my little army has two thads (lvl 26), two vlish (lvl 30) and one drayk (lvl 27) and Alwan. I'm lvl 34. These guys can kick some butt.


Also underrated (IMO) is Alwan. His excellent blade inflicts some serious damage at higher levels. With mass energize, the whole crew is impressive (even though with the agent, they are significantly lower in level than they would be with a shaper) and difficult to beat.


I agree with the other poster that glaaks aren't quite as good in G3... a disappointment, because they are terrific in G1 and G2.


Another disappointment in G3 was the searing artilla. I recall them being really great in one of the games, but can't remember which one. I think they are so graceful and sleek.


I love gazers ... but not sure I'll get one unless my crew starts having trouble. They are expensive for an agent.


For some laughs, I like to lock myself in a room somewhere and send a vlish off to pillage. Something about the little thing floating around stealing everyone blind makes my day. (Don't care if it's cheating or not! It's fun!)


If I had one favorite to pick as an agent, it would be a regular vlish (leveled up from the beginning)... as a shaper, the gazer.

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