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Actions before alegiance?


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Does the alegiance you hold at the end of the game affect the ending?


I've been an Awakened one throughout the game, always acting as one, and did with the geneforge what Elhra told me to: used it, then broke it. Well, the ending isn't what i hoped for, but atleast the Awakened got theyr independance and equalty {and later, what's left of the Takers follows suit, for some reason}.

Then i wanted to check out the other endings.

I used the "ihateseserviles" code, went to the Obeyers' leader, BSed my way out of the Control Four issue, and got accepted into the sect. I went back to the boat as an Obeyer {is that just me, or a shaper calling himself an obeyer is just wrong from any angle you look at it?}, and left the island as before.

The ending does not change:

The shapers still hate me, i still end up being a tyrant, the Awakened still have theyr way, the Takers are still defeated and calm down, and the Obeyers are still wiped out after joining the shapers. Just like it was when i left the island as an Awakened one.

  • So does being an Obeyer change nothing {from being an Awakened one}, unless you abstain from using the geneforge before destroying it?
  • And does it work the other way around {would an Awakened one get the Obeyers' ending if he disobeyed Elhra and crushed the Geneforge without using it}?
  • I also wanna try finishing with a Taker alegiance, but in central Kazg they attack me on sight, ever since i used the Geneforge. I tried the cheats, but it didn't help calm them down. Can i appease them in any way that'll make them take me? Or will it change nothing if i do?
  • Is there any sort of difference between Trajkov's agenda and the Takers'?
  • Is it possible to talk to talk to the peaceful Sholai after using the Geneforge? My char seems to loose controll near them...
  • Oh, and another thing: In another thread, someone gave the order in which the pillars with the smooth-worn wpots should be touched in order to access the temple in Spirit City. It lists the Junkyard, but this area doesn't seem to have a pillar of that sort - the only one it has is the one in a secluded cave at the W, and it has no touching option. So is the instruction in the other thread incorrect, or did i actually miss the Junkyard's pillar? Is so, where is it?
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