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A Map Editer Included in Geneforge 5? perhaps?

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*shakes a magic 8 ball*


Doesn't seem likely.


Keladon once said that Blades of Avernum could be modified to give a Geneforgish game with NPCs being used for creations and some other specials to duplicate spells. It would be a lot of work since you wouldn't have the interface showing essence level but that could be dealt with as a message at the bottom.

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Originally written by Randomizer:
Keladon once said that Blades of Avernum could be modified to give a Geneforgish game with NPCs being used for creations and some other specials to duplicate spells. It would be a lot of work since you wouldn't have the interface showing essence level but that could be dealt with as a message at the bottom.
Hmm. Never thought of a Geneforge-like BoA scenario before, but it does seem possible, at least in theory.
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There won't be a map editor in G5 but there will be an editor for it.

Also hoping for a built-in editor. The A5 one is beautiful!


It is extremely likely that this will happen.


- Jeff Vogel

Check the G4 forum on Geneforge 5 March Update page 1 at the bottom of page.
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