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Custom Floor/Terrain Special Object Templates


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I noticed custom creature and item special object script templates on Drakey's site, but none for floors and terrains. Since making the templates is just a matter of pulling lines out of the manual and removing the descriptive stuff, I took a few minutes to make the following templates:


//Custom Floor Template//Note: all fields are filled in with their default values//Fields with no listed default are commented out and marked with an xbegindefinefloor NUMBER;clear;fl_name = "";//fl_which_sheet = x;//fl_which_icon = x;//fl_icon_adjust = x;//fl_ed_which_sheet = x;//fl_ed_which_icon = x;//fl_ed_icon_adjust = x;fl_blocked = 0;fl_step_sound = -1;fl_light_radius = 0;fl_floor_height_pixels = 0;fl_special_property = 0;fl_special_strength = 0;fl_is_water = 0;fl_is_floor = 0;fl_is_ground = 0;fl_is_rough = 0;fl_fly_over = 0;//fl_shortcut_key = x;fl_anim_steps = 0;fl_shimmers = 0;fl_out_fight_town_used = 1000;//Custom Terrain Template//Note: all fields are filled in with their default values//Fields with no listed default are commented out and marked with an xbegindefineterrain NUMBER;clear;te_name = "";te_default_script = "Unused";//te_which_sheet = x;//te_which_icon = x;//te_icon_adjust = x;//te_ed_which_sheet = x;//te_ed_which_icon = x;//te_ed_icon_adjust = x;te_cutaway_which_sheet = -1;//te_cutaway_which_icon = x;//te_cutaway_icon_adjust = x;te_icon_offset_x = 0;te_icon_offset_y = 0;te_second_icon = -1;te_second_icon_offset_x = 0;te_second_icon_offset_y = 0;te_cutaway_second_icon = -1;te_anim_steps = 0;te_move_block_n = 0;te_move_block_w = 0;te_move_block_s = 0;te_move_block_e = 0;te_look_block_n = 0;te_look_block_w = 0;te_look_block_s = 0;te_look_block_e = 0;te_blocks_view_n = 0;te_blocks_view_w = 0;te_blocks_view_s = 0;te_blocks_view_e = 0;te_height_adj_pixels = 0;te_suppress_floor = 0;te_light_radius = 0;te_step_sound = -1;//te_shortcut_key = x;te_crumble_type = 0;te_terrain_to_crumble_to = 0;te_beam_hit_type = 0;te_hidden_town_terrain = -1;te_swap_terrain = -1;te_is_bridge = 0;te_is_road = 0;te_can_look_at = 0;te_special_property = 0;te_special_strength = 0;
Drakey, feel free to put these up.


Oh, and if anyone spots any mistakes or typos, be sure to reply.

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