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Creating Spells


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Depends on what you mean. However, it undoubtedly involves scripting.

To give a creature such an ability, you can hardcode it into the creature script. There are several examples of this in the 4 basic scenarios.

Read the code for abilnpc (any) and t7maestro (Diplomacy with the Dead).

Special abilities for characters are coded into the scenario script. You initialize them in LOAD_SCEN_STATE, then you have them call a state later on for the actual ability. I know there's an example in the Za-Khazi Run.

For an item, you'll have to use the special item abilities which let them call scenario states. Then you script the ability, give your characters the item, cross your fingers and start debugging it. Babysitting contains some examples of this.

I hope this helps. Otherwise, you may find yourself digging through the appendix to find the calls you need. Good Luck.


EDIT: And, while I'm at it, I should welcome you to the boards here, SmirfOfDoom. So, Welcome.

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Hey Smirf guy thing.


Terribly sorry for the lateness guys, but I've been a tad busy. What what.


I can't tell from the text, but maybe you wanted to make a new spell for a party? You can't technically do it, but I have found a loop hole.


Say you want to give the party the ability to make quickfire like in Exile. What you could do is make a special ability that places quickfire on a target specified by the group. Obviously they wouldn't be able to carry the spell through scenarios, but you could have a go.


Otherwise, their is no way. If you meant for baddies etc, just ignore this.


And welcome once again!

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Well, Thank you for welcoming me, most of what you guys said covered my question. Unfortunately I was hoping to be able to edit spells, and spell-like abilities. (They really should have thrown in those and the ability to modify/create races.) But I think I have a pretty good idea on the spell-like abilities now. Thanks.

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