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Making a Resources Page on the Avernum Site


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Originally, I wanted to have a page on the Avernum site where we would provide tons of new, interesting scripts. I see now that this won't work. We don't feel comfortable doing this unless we can check over and test the scripts, and we won't have time for that.


So, instead, we're going to have a page with links to Blades of Avernum sites. Since people are already making sites with scripts, graphics, and so on, we'll link to them.


There are a lot of sites we should link to that we don't yet. Feel free to post links here or E-mail them to spidweb@spiderwebsoftware.com and we'll put them up.


- Jeff

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You could always put a list of scripts to be tested by the players/designers much as you do with scenarios. If you get a decent number of people verifying the effectiveness of the script, you can add it to the full list.


Just put a disclaimer above the table of untested scripts that these have not been tested yet and may not function.

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