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Wrong Line References


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As any scenario designer does, I make mistakes during scripting, although since I'm an amateur, possibly more than most. During testing, I would rely on the line references that appear in the text area along with the error message.


The only trouble with this is that most of the time they are wrong, giving values way higher than the total script length.


I use Crimson Editor (on recommendation from Spidweb.com) but not Alint - it doesn't seem to work on Windows.

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Line counts - BoA is probably counting both line feeds and carriage returns as it's counting lines. Try setting the line endings to Mac or Unix.


Alint - did you download the right thing? It should be http://home.sanbrunocable.com/~tommywatts03/page/alint.exe.zip

If you double-clicked the file, and something flickered briefly before vanishing, that's because you don't run alint like that. You have to run it from cmd.exe. The easiest way is probably to put alint into your scenario folder, run cmd.exe, type cd "\Path\To\Your\Scenario" then alint *.txt

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And believe me, even if running things from the command line seems like a pain, it's worth it in order to use Alint. Debugging via BoA's internal compiler is excessively difficult.


If you want us to point you to the lines where the errors occur, you can post your entire script and mention the exact text of the error message.

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I wouldn't subject you to such a task, this script is 628 lines and counting. :p


Thanks for the advice on Alint - I always felt that there must have been an easier way of debugging than leaving and entering the town after even the smallest changes to the script.


EDIT: How do you change directory to the desktop? As far as I have experimented, it doesn't want to exit files.

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