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move_to_new_town limitation


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move_to_new_town appears to only work when the party enters one of those blue special rectangles placed in the editor. I tried using it in a terrain script and the START_STATE of a town script. In those cases that fail, it seems to block the party's movement and end the script, without taking them to the other town..

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Originally written by Eldiran:
Maybe you can use "set_state_continue" to go to another state and then use the call.
That didn't work, at least for EXIT_STATE (the only one I tried). The way it behaves, I'm guessing the party has already left the town (as far as the engine is concerned) before EXIT_STATE is called.

EDIT: I meant to add that START_STATE is called every turn the party is in the town. INIT_STATE is the one called when the party enters the town. So, no, a move_to_new_town() in START_STATE wouldn't be equivalent to variable town entry.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had hoped to get this to work from STEP_INTO_SPOT_STATE but have had no luck (I'm guessing this is the right way to go about this). I wanted to create a terrain script that could be placed on stairways, ladders, etc to save me from having to create another state in the town script every time I want the party to switch towns.

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  • 8 months later...

I don't suppose anyone has found a way around this limitation. I also wrote a script like that and it really bugs me that I can't use a terrain script for things like going down stairs. Terrain scripts and memory cells would be a lot simpler than writing a new special encounter for ever stairway/ladder.

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