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a qustion about history


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Hopefully I'm not creating another topic angle...

I had a question concerning history in scenarios. I mean like history of the universe type history, such as when the Empire was "founded" (for lack of a better term), what the Vahnatai have to do with anything (so far the only info I have come across in that respect is over at Drakefyre's Demesne (sp?)), etc. I guess maybe this goes in the Avernum Trilogy forum, but I was wondering in relation to a scenario I'm planning (I'm running Windows here, unfortunately), and I also thought that perhaps people could make scenarios that take place far in the past, for instance around the time that the caves of Avernum were discovered or some such. Please note that until now I have not been able to shell out the cash necessary to purchase any fine Spiderweb product, so if there have already been Scenarios/forum topics in this regard, please redirect me.

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Empress Prazac\'s Reign


Languages of the World


Slith Homeland


Note how no one wants to talk with me about this for very long. I still say I'm right, though. :p


EDIT: And while I'm at it, the Encyclopaedia Emariana , which is sometimes a bit more frustrating than helpful given how incomplete it is. And how it doesn't cite sources.

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eek *hangs jaw in astoundment*

well then.

Specific question(s) (given in terms of Avernum's currently accepted version of history):

Roughly how many years between...

Empire eradication of all non-humans (what I will consider to be the "founding" of the Empire) and the discovery of Avernum?

The Empire War (last people sent to Avernum) and A3?

Also, would anyone think it safe to assume that after the problems of A3 are cleared up that the Empire would be more lenient (i.e. not instantly kill) non-humans?

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given in terms of Avernum's currently accepted version of history
There is none. There is one for Exile, but *glances at the mighty draconic beast that admins these boards* it is not entirely consistent with the Avernum games. Precedent has yet to be set about what we do with these differences between Avernum and Exile.

Empire eradication of all non-humans (what I will consider to be the "founding" of the Empire) and the discovery of Avernum?
So far as I can tell, the eradication was never quite complete. Even in A Small Rebellion in Blades of Avernum, Administrator Forbes in Willow, in response to the question "Are there any Nephilim left?", says, "Don't worry. Most of the Nephilim in Valorim were killed long ago. Good riddance, I say!" (talk node 11). But he says "most."

Maybe someone else has a better answer as to when Valorim was considered "settled," though. The First Expedition (discovery of Avernum) was roughly fifty years before A1, according to a message at the entrance to the Ancient Crypt.

The Empire War (last people sent to Avernum) and A3?
I believe the figure is eleven years between A2 and A3.

Also, would anyone think it safe to assume that after the problems of A3 are cleared up that the Empire would be more lenient (i.e. not instantly kill) non-humans?
A little, sure. But prejudice is still rampant (see above quote). We see a nephil in a town on the surface in ASR. The party in A3 that wanders around on the surface could consist of nephils and sliths, too. So yeah, they've eased up on the instant death, but they're still pretty harsh.
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Not sure if I mentioned this, but I'm running Windows, so any references to any scenarios in BoA will be met with a smile and a nod. However, I have sufficient information as it is, so I'll just bookmark those history compendiums and maybe copy some of this down...

Thanks everyone!

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we should have Jeff make an "official" history of exile/avernum so the history spam stops...its very interesting but i'ts getting a bit old


plus making up names for emperors and entire histories in scenarios is just...urrg. plus if it turns out to be bad it won't be "accepted" into the general history of avernum that is consented to by the community


as Napoleon once said,


"History is just a collection of lies agreed upon by those with power."


i believe we can identify the exile/avernum history to that sentence, those with power being the scenario critics :p

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there was something that bothered me though, micah just came and said "hello mates mind if i rule you? thanks thats nice" it would have been better that micah has some kind of military power but is nothing official yet, then he leads his army adn the people of avernum in glorious battles against the forces of Sss-Thsss, after which they would all be like "hail to the great general Micah!" and the mages would bestow the tile of kingship on him. instead of being a wussy sitting in his castle sending the likes of you to assassinate him


thank you for reading my rather long run-on sentence


edit: spelling

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A1 explains this pretty well if you read a little between the lines. Micah was a rebel leader on the surface, a well-known one, so when he arrived in Avernum, he started leading the forces of the humans against Grah-Hoth. The archmages (Erika et al) showed up not long after this and helped him defeat Grah-Hoth. With his resounding victory, Micah became king of Avernum.

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