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Is there a way to rotate terrain objects?

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Thanks. I've already noticed I was scripting in the wrong script, but I still have the problem. Here my roussadata.txt script:


beginscendatascript;begindefineterrain 500;clear;te_name = "Altar South";te_which_sheet = 500;te_ed_which_sheet = 500;te_which_icon = 3;te_ed_which_icon = 3;
The editor doesn't display the right icon and only shows part of it. It doesn't even appear in the game. The sheet has the right measures (56 height) (I've jus edited one existing sheet, from Data/Terrain Graphics/).
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Nevermind. I've figured it all.


What do you think about the altar's new orientation?




I've also tried to change the shadowing, but I'm not sure about the results:


Altar-South-2.jpgFirst version.


Altar-South-3.jpgTweaked version.


The code for the terrain:


begindefineterrain 500;clear;te_name = "Altar";te_which_sheet = 500;te_ed_which_sheet = 501;te_which_icon = 6;te_ed_which_icon = 4;te_can_look_at = 1;te_special_property = 41;te_move_block_n = 1;te_move_block_s = 1;te_move_block_e = 1;te_move_block_w = 1;
As you can see, I had to use another sheet for the editor icons. smile
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