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The Golem Factory - hayulp!

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Be sure to destroy the golem generators and bring more energy potions than you think you'll need. You'll need them.


—Alorael, who also recommends using excessive caution when rounding corners. Running into hordes of golems who are inaccessibly located past laser barriers can be hazardous to your party's health.

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Invulnerability elixirs help a lot in dealing with the Golem Factory.


But you can ignore the Golem Factory if you want to. You only need to complete either the slimes or the roaches, and the troglo-giants-tunnel barrier quest, and the Empress will give you permission to get inside Footracer Province for the endgame.


written by Gunshy: Is it better to kill a few golems, go back out, recharge, go back in, etc.? Is that even practical?


I'm told the dead monsters don't regenerate. So that should work.

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Have you gone on any of the legendary item quests? THese quests can help you level up considerably and get you items that'll improve your AP. Getting items that can increase your AP can help A LOT. Make sure you have the right weapons and items such as the mithril blade, black halberd and boots of speed. Also, try to make more knowledge brews to increase your skill points.

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Well, I've been bustling about, scaring up every coin I can and buying up all the stocks of Invulnerability, Energy and herbs I can find. I've got Beastslayer and something else cool, plus Radiant Slith Spear. None of my armour is Blessed though.


My cleric has Lv.3 Mass Healing, but it eats SP.


I'll go looking for these legendary items - I've got the skinny on the Black Halberd, so I'll kick off with that.

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As far as legendary quests go, I'd recommend going after Pachter's Plate Mail. It's a lot easier than the Black Halberd quest and you also get Arcane Shield at level 3 in another area of the dungeon. I believe you need to enter the library in Gale to learn the location of this dungeon, and to have it appear once you get there. Some dungeons don't become accessible until you have done some background research.

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there is a large amount of skill required for this stuff, I suggest you go do the quests in the following order: 1. dryad's grove quest near libras, 2. sliths near golddale, 3. Ursagi cave 4. Spiral Crypt 5. Tomb of Vakhos, 6. Fading tower (careful!!) 7. chasm of screams 8. pachtar's mail,9. Erox 10. Defiled Crypt

11. Monastery of Madness(get tip from Foxfire) 12. Defiled Crypt, 13. Gremlin room at squiggus, 14. Tower of Zkal, 15. pit of the wyrm 16. Remote cave( black halbeard) shocked

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There are only five artifact quests (the Ring of Endless Magery, Pachtar's Plate Mail, the Fury Crossbow, the Recipe for the Knowledge Brew, and the Black Halberd), but there are dozens of mini-quests and side-quests.


The Golem Factory is hard no matter what, but it helps to know where you're going. The walkthrough in the header of these boards gives decent instructions.

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