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Killing Sulfras in A1

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Erika helps you in many ways, but killing Sulfras isn't one of them. In fact, you aren't supposed to kill Sulfras. You can get more help if you back up and try to explain why you're trying to kill Sulfras.


—Alorael, who can point out that the statue, if it is a talking statue, does have to do with Erika, but you only get the dialogue option after joining Scimitar. If you haven't encountered it yet, keep looking.

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Yay i just finished the game.


I was confused how in coversation you could instagate a fight with him so i assumed that you were sopossed to kill him. There is a talking demon in the front room and tells you to talk to Erika's statue, i never figured out what to do with it. i have finished the game so i guess i can read some spoilers.


Tomorrow i start on Avernum 2!!! (i am going to bed as it is 1:00am in Australia)

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Did you finish the game by getting to an end, or did you finish it by getting all three? If not the latter, you might want to hold off on those spoilers.


—Alorael, who should be able to tell which end in particular is tied to Sulfras, but he can't remember. He never has been able to keep the three straight since he never does them one at a time.

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thanks, i guess i missed out on Sulfras's treasure.


I hope that i finished the game. i did the 3 major quests, i couldnt be stuffed going thru doing all the minor quests that i most likely missed. I just started Avernum 2, i love the fact that you can see the amount of health everyone has in battle mode.

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  • 6 months later...

This is a year old I realize, but (*shrugs)


Sulfras can indeed be killed. The black shades can't be. After killing sulfras, just leave without killing the black shades (the pillars) which can't be affected. Come back for the treasure which has high-level dread curses that come with it and steal the boots and cloak in the room. Just make sure you have enough potions, beast ceremony, arcane shield to protect you from the wrath of the black shades.


You should probably only do this after sulfras allows you to go through (meaning after you fulfill his quest)



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