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Cant Buy Games


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Anyone else having this problem. So far 2 tickets filed. 2 calls and messages. Response  None. Two attempts to buy software in last week. I get a screen that says email will arrive with instructions to confirm phone number. First no such email arrives . Second humble respond to ticket other then with auto mail that is useless. Not the way to run a business. Always loved the games. Really hate bad customer service.

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The game was only released yesterday so attempts to buy it before that probably were doomed to failure (I was a kickstarter backer so I haven't looked into buying the game now).  Where are you trying to buy it from?  You mention Humble but I think (think, no real idea on the behind the scenes stuff) that Humble was only used to distribute the Kickstarter keys to people for Steam access.  You should be able to buy it through Steam, GOG, Epic (I think Jeff mentioned them), or straight from SW's site.

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These stores -- Humble Bundle, Steam, etc. -- are not run by Spiderweb.


Also, how are you trying to buy it?  That email sounds like they may be stuck on some kind of verification step.


If you haven't yet bought it, you can do so through the Spiderweb website, which may be more flexible:




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I initiated the purchase from SW website Clearly an incompetently designed authentication routine. Ultimately it is a failure of SW customer service. Their website, their processor. Both have been informed for a week with  no response. It sucks as I'd like to continue games but have played through Demos.



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It would be helpful if you could give some more specific information.


1. What game are you trying to buy?

2. What is the URL of the page where you are trying to buy it?

3. What are you using to pay -- credit card, etc.?

4. Who did you submit a customer service ticket to?  (Humble Bundle?)

5. Have you actually emailed the Spiderweb customer service email?  Since you are complaining about Spiderweb.

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No I'm I called SW on the phone and left message including name and phone number.


Humble has no phone number so I used their contact link. Note the first ticket was last Friday. Second today.


The latest. Queens Wish and Avernum 3. Using two different credit cards.  


My point about bad customer service stands. I did my job as a loyal customer and tried to purchase. The failure of the system is on SW as is being ignored when they wete informed. They selected the processor, I didn't.


The way to deal with this is fix the problem. Not act like it's my fault..

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Spiderweb is literally a mom & pop organization (two people).  They tend to release games about once a year.  You managed to call them a day or three before the release of the latest game ... (which is what I was assuming, given the lack of information, that you were trying to buy earlier in the week as there are a LOT of people around here right now who just bought the game yesterday) they probably were a tad distracted at that point in time.


Email them at support@spiderwebsoftware.com & explain what's going on & they'll get back to you.


Nobody was saying that it's your fault, just trying to figure out what exactly was going on as it wasn't clear (& still completely isn't..._)

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I taught programming. I don't buy excuses.  The problem is a problem with poor coding that hangs up and doesn't actually send the instructions to verify phone number as the popup says to look for for. What I would have called deadend programming  ànd a guaranteed fail.





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I understand they aren't Microsoft.


Having bought their stuff for years I know the drill. The Demo (which I have) has never bern released until the full version was available.


The issue from my end is an order processing issue.  So I'll try another source tomorrow when I'm on the PC.

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Is it actually standard practice for Humble Bundle to send an email with instructions for phone number verification?  That's a little circuitous.  Wouldn't it just send a text message to do that?


Also, constructive suggestion: you can also buy the game from Steam or I think GOG, and maybe other vendors too.  You don't have to stick with Humble Bundle if they aren't working for you.

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