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Is there no Off Topic or random gaming thread that is not made by Spiderweb Software?


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I have an older game (actually three, but only one is an RPG, the other two is an Adventure game (?) and a simulator...) that I have been looking for years for and I have not been able to find it and I only have a few bits of information on it and that is mostly foggy due to I was in my youth.  I've scoured the net and have not found it.  I have checked YouTube compilation videos of retro RPGs, but that did not help as I only really know the first few minutes of it.  I have even asked else where and have not received many replies to it.  Is it alright if I ask here?  I know a lot of you are old... 😱 older than me even...  😬 so...  😅 perhaps some of you elderly could help me in finding my game?  😇

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Thank you.


I have been trying to find a game for a long time now. It was a PC game (not sure which system like an Apple or what ever else there was back in the day.  I would just call it a PC, it had a large tower and graphics were not "that old school" ). Single player and in first person. You start out in or on the outskirts of a town. Part of your starting possessions was a bag of flakes of some kind of food, maybe potato.

When you started your journey, one of the very first enemies you meet can kill you easily, a goblin of some kind. I believe it hovered in mid air. You had options like fight, run, talk, barter, etc. Basically anything, but bartering or giving it the flakes would have you killed.

I believe you turned at 45 degree angles, it was not fluid like Morrowind is today, but I could be mistaken.  I really do not know much more about the game as it was so hard at the time (I was young playing it and not understanding all the mechanics, plus it was at a neighbor's house.) that we did not get much further than that. But I have been wanting to find it again. Not sure if maybe it is on Steam for purchase or not. Thank you.

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I googled the flakes and immediately found... what appears to be you asking this question some years back, hehehe :)




With that added info, like flakes possibly being water flasks, this sounds an awful lot like Ravenloft: Stone Prophet.




- first person view

- space-time portals in intro

- start near an NPC's tent

- given dagger at start of game

- water flasks are apparently quite central

- bags are also a thing

- early on, you can randomly encounter a dust devil, who can blind you, which would explain your experience of always missing -- as would its immunity to weapons with less than a +2 magical bonus

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Shhh... 🤫 that can't be me... 😲 I was way too polite...  😇  Back before the world scarred me...  😑


Thank you, but it was not Stone Prophet.  That seems like an Arabian themed game to me or Egyptian.  This was more medieval.  Regardless what that "other" person said, I do in fact believe it was flakes in a bag and not flasks.  Again I... or he could of been mistaken, but pretty sure it was flakes.


Well let me ask about two other games as well (would of been three more, but I already found the one on YouTube a few months ago.).  This was at the same time and place as I played the RPG game, so my memory is not the best again as I only played this a little bit more.


The simulation one should be the easiest.  You start out as the smallest organism in the game possible, which off the top of my head I am not sure what that was.  But you go around and you have to find your mate to reproduce.  After that I believe you evolved into the next creature.  I believe you had spiders, birds and humans and probably a few more creatures, but I am not sure what those would be.  I believe you could eat your same size or smaller creatures, as you looked for your mate.  But you could be eaten by something bigger.  It was basically stick figures.


The other game I am not sure how to categorize it.  Not sure if it falls under Adventure or what.  It had a sci-fi theme of sorts.  You were either police or security on some kind of planet and I do not believe it was your native one.  Everything was stick figures or at least wire frames.  You drove a car (squad car?) around the map and there would be dinosaurs roaming around.  I do not know if they attacked you on sight or if you got too close or you had to attack first (I was a kid so of course I attacked! 🤪 ) or some species were more aggressive than others.  Maybe they were alien dinosaurs or dragons or suppose to represent something else entirely.  I know you were sort of in a cave or a cave like setting.  And there were doors you needed either passcodes to or key cards, maybe both.  When you talked to other NPCs, as I believe they too were in vehicles, then it showed your face and the person's face you were speaking to in a rough, but nice looking animation.  I think your eyes blinked and your mouth moved, but that was about it.  If I knew how to categorize the game, it may make it easier, but I do not.

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I do not know if it permanently read to be flakes like a sign was underneath it or you had to hover your mouse cursor over it or click on it, etc.  As I recall it was a clear bag with flake looking things inside.  I know there were trees around and other NPCs or humanoid figures.  Maybe elves.  It may of been raining.  It looked some what bright and colorful, but not in a cutesy way.

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A clear bag, i.e. plastic, seems awfully out of place in a medieval setting!  Are you sure it couldn't have been a flask (even a flask with flake looking things inside)?


That said: clear containers with stuff in them + trees + NPCs with pointed ears + raining + dungeon crawler immediately brings Dungeon Master II to mind.  It had some colorful interface elements as well:


Dungeon Master II: Skullkeep DOS A merchant displays a helmet


Dungeon Master II: Skullkeep DOS The inventory screen and moneybox


Let's Play Dungeon Master 2, p. 1: Setting Off into the Rain - YouTube

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Dungeon Master 2 can not be it.  It was day time when you start the game and you were on your own, at least at the very beginning.  Although maybe you could have team members and since we had no idea what we were doing, we skipped adding them to the party.  But I am pretty sure you really do start solo.  The graphics were a bit better, of course this was when I was younger and older games at the time probably looked better in my youth.  I looked at the beginning of the game on YouTube and I did not see the demon/devil nor the flakes.


Flakes were a starting item.  I am pretty sure they are in a bag.  Clear bag or pouch does not necessarily mean it is see through plastic per say, just it is a bag outline and you can see flakes.  But then again maybe it was a mix of eras and it was plastic.  Also the fight, talking, escaping, etc is a thing.  In saying that, you move around and when you encounter the enemy, as in you see them in your area and have to run into them or them you I suppose and you get to the engagement screen.  And once that happens you get the choices of fighting, dialogue, giving, bartering, etc.  And as I said it was 3D and in first person as I recall.


But yes the screen does kind of look like that as I recall.  Inventory was most likely at the bottom left.  And I want to say your inventory was constantly in view, but it is hard to say.  Also I do not remember the direction buttons being on the screen, but I honestly could not tell you.  Thank you for trying so enthusiastically.  😃  But what would Dungeon Master 2 be categorized as?  I may be able to search better for it if I knew.  A 1st person classic RPG?

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DM2 would be a real-time dungeon-crawler.  DM1 pretty much originated that genre.  (And you do start on your own.)


The thing about the flakes is google turns up literally nothing with any RPG + flakes search I can think of except for you posting this question on three different forums 🙂


Can you give any more concrete details about any of these memories?


1) What did the demon/devil look like?

2) What did the flakes look like?  Color, size, distribution within the clear bag?

3) Was interaction with the demon/devil done via a text menu or something else?

4) Do you remember anything about stats, character classes, etc.?


11 hours ago, WolfSpider said:

when you encounter the enemy, as in you see them in your area and have to run into them or them you I suppose and you get to the engagement screen.  And once that happens you get the choices of fighting, dialogue, giving, bartering, etc.


Hmm.  Seeing the enemy at a distance and having to run into them (or them you) sounds like Might & Magic or Dungeon Master.  The choices of fighting, talking, bartering, etc. sound like Wizardry.  But none of those did both, that I am aware of.


Anything look familiar here?


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22 hours ago, TriRodent said:

What was the earliest (rough) date that you remember playing it?  That might/should help narrow things down as if it was say 1998 then we'd know that nothing made after 2000 would be it.



😬  Geeze Louise that is a tuffy... hmmm... possibly early 90's.  But again how old was the game by the time I played it?  😬

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11 hours ago, Sealing Librarian said:

The thing about the flakes is google turns up literally nothing with any RPG + flakes search I can think of except for you posting this question on three different forums 🙂


Can you give any more concrete details about any of these memories?


1) What did the demon/devil look like?

2) What did the flakes look like?  Color, size, distribution within the clear bag?

3) Was interaction with the demon/devil done via a text menu or something else?

4) Do you remember anything about stats, character classes, etc.?



Hmm.  Seeing the enemy at a distance and having to run into them (or them you) sounds like Might & Magic or Dungeon Master.  The choices of fighting, talking, bartering, etc. sound like Wizardry.  But none of those did both, that I am aware of.


Anything look familiar here?


I do not know what you are insinuating, with this other person who just happens to be looking for the same thing I am...  🤗


Not much else and me looking through all these other games are starting to fry my brain and jumbling up details.  😵 Hehehe...  😅


The devil was either green or red.  Yes I know two totally different colours, but at this point I really can not say.  It resembled, as I recall, the demon or gargoyle from the Gameboy game "Gargoyle".  Heck, maybe it was a gargoyle and not a demon or goblin after all.  🤔


Not much else to describe... the flakes look like flakes at a bottom of a bag.  I would say individually drawn.  It did not fill the bag completely, maybe a 1/4 of it or even less it's total space or volume.


The interaction was... I just don't know by this point.  Maybe three boxes down, two or three across.  I do not think the options were there until after the encounter started, like they are not greyed out and shown all the time.  You have to get into the encounter mode for it to appear.


I remember nothing about character states.  Nothing about classes or any other details like that.  Nothing about the story or how you progressed, because I never progressed and we probably skipped the story.  There was no forced class and race picking like in Elder Scrolls with questions or how you put points into a character like in Geneforge.  Or if there were, we got through it as fast as possible.


I would say the NPCs that were scattered around were elves, but I have no idea why I think that.  The graphics were of Might and Magic 6, but that can not be right if that game was released as late as 1998 and I was playing the game I am thinking of in the early 90's...  But then again it as my perception of the game back then. It did not have realistic avatars at the bottom of the screen or anything, just that the main game area (middle of the screen) looked better than say Might and Magic 4 or 5...


Even if I can not find the game, at least I found out Patrick Stewart did voice work in Lands of Lore.  ^^!  And also that I missed a LOT of good games back in the day...

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That Game Boy gargoyle you mention is Firebrand.  Here's his SNES sprite, which is likely closer to the graphics quality you're describing:




Is there any possibility that you're remembering elements of a few different games, bled into each other in memory?

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1 hour ago, TriRodent said:


Right, but this now eliminates all games made after say the mid-late 1990s (to give your memory a couple year's buffer).  So that helps


Ok so early 90's then.  90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95 or before.  I am leaning more towards 92 or 93.  You have to understand I moved over two dozen times before I was even an adult and was homeless in a car or living with family, friends or strangers (with my dad) for much of this.  My memories fluctuate with when and where I was and what was happening around me and no doubt I have even blocked out some things...  I have been to multiple schools across the country as a child, so it is hard to narrow down certain aspects of my life, even by "grade" standards...


I think why I am so passionate about this (these) game(s) at these moments in my life, is because I had no games at the time or anything nice for that matter and this is one way to "beat" the past, that was not exactly a happy place to be at as a child...


I will say however, that the other game that took me many moons to track down is Metro-Cross.  This was released in 1985 per the wiki and I know for certain that it was early 90's when I played it, as it was at the neighbor's house when I played the RPG as well, so again I have no idea how old the RPG is.  The wiki does not tell me all it was ported to, but Retro Core shows me some at least, as he does side by side comparisons and I can judge from his videos perhaps which system it played on.  I keep saying "PC", because anything with a keyboard, mouse, monitor and a tower is a PC to me.  So maybe this will help narrow it down.  And no, the host of Retro Core did not know the RPG game either. ^^!


Although RC does not claim to show all ports, as there could be over a dozen at times, there are a few that come close to memory.  Amiga and Atari ST.  Unless there is a very similar game between 1985 (not sure when the ports came out) and the early 90's, maybe this and the system it played on will help narrow down the RPG.  Unless of course there is another "PC" like system that RC did not show.

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7 minutes ago, Sealing Librarian said:

That Game Boy gargoyle you mention is Firebrand.  Here's his SNES sprite, which is likely closer to the graphics quality you're describing:




Is there any possibility that you're remembering elements of a few different games, bled into each other in memory?


To be honest with you the thought had crossed my mind and I was afraid to say it, but knew someone would most likely come to that conclusion.   No.  I know it was a very hard monster in the very beginning of the game that would kill you if you were caught or ran into it and either could not escape or did not simply give it the ration of flakes.  What I can not say however, is if it was an NPC itself or an actual common or rare enemy.  Some of the older games are notorious for being hard and would out right kill the player if they made a wrong move.


I only said it looked like the protagonist to give some kind of semblance or another name for what I saw (winged demon, devil, goblin, etc.).  But it looked shorter and really think it as green rather than red.  But the green version of the Gargoyle character from the Gameboy game looks less than what my memory serves.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess this thread has run it's course, although I would appreciate it if it was left open in case someone later comes by and may know the game and can answer this age old mystery.  I will post more if something else pops into my head, although I did narrow down the year I had played it and the possible system.  I would like to thank everyone who tried to help.  Also if someone knows of the other two games I mentioned earlier, I would appreciate the names on those as well.  Thank you.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

First game which came to my mind reading your description of the game you're looking for, was Battlespire (Elder Scrolls spin-off) released in 1997. The first enemy you met there was a goblin who you could talk to and on the dialog screen there he kept jumping so it looked like he was floating above the ground. But the game takes place underground, so it is propably not it.


Also it seems your game is a little bit older. Hmm... I've played computer games since early 90s and mostly RPGs. I think I would remember such game. Maybe it wasn't PC game after all (Amiga, Commodore 64)?


Do you remember how combat mechanics were designed? Did you press buttons on your keyboard or did you click commands on screen? Or did your weapon follow mouse movements?


Also I wouldn't underestimate power of our minds to remember things nicer than they actually are. 🙂 I mean I absolutely adore Stonekeep and I remember the game to be graphically flawless. The other day I tried to play the game again and I was like - really??


Anyway you have my sympathies. I went through similiar torment not so long time ago when I tried to make a list of all games I've ever finished (btw 137 so far and counting). Some of those games are 30 years old and I spent like whole two days on the internet seaching them...

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