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Funny/Comedic IOS Games

Death Knight

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Im trying to find out more games that are funny/comedic you can play on ios. So far I have 2 as I don't think Dredmor is on there.




-Enviro-Bear 2010


I now have a new setup so while taking the train I have much time to kill. I can never get into a serious game during a train trip but playing facefighter or envirobear is always possible as its just so stupid its funny.


Would anyone know of any IOS games that are just funny/stupid each time you play? I like games like that because during the train its easy to get into.


The bear game in particular is ridiculously stupid but hilarious. You control a grizzly bear that is driving a car, lol. He also can only use 1 hand to drive to make matters worse. Its got to be more funny than some movies Ive seen as its just so stupid.


If anyone knows any ios games out there that are comedic, feel free to post them as I cant get enough of this stuff ;)

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