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Spam 2.0 : A Whole New World

Little Fyora

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I know, I know, you are wondering how I can be so stupid as to mark my advertisements (which, by the way, are issued in the interest of the public, mind you, and it's not like I'm making a profit out of it or anything) as "Spam". Well, the thing is, this is not foolishness. Rather, it is pure genius.


Welcome to Spam 2.0.


The line of distinction between what is commonly misinterpreted as "Spam" and given a negative connotation, and a post which is considered "not-Spam" is so blurred that the two are quite indistinguishable. Well, it isn't, right now, but it will be when the new version is brought into the picture.


My colleagues and I (note my modesty) have, with the help of brain-mappers, psycho analysts, psychic mediums and plain old psychos who while their time away unravelling the secrets of the human mind, have developed this concept of Spam 2.0, which is socially acceptable, mentally satisfying and induces such curiousity in you that you can't help clicking on the link, however non-existent it may be.


Now, notice that this spam post contains no links. And here I am jabbering away about nothing in paricular. This implies that this post is, technically (by definition), not spam at all and can't be 'locked' by any conscientious moderator with careless abandon. Instead, the moderators will have to discuss among themselves as to what my intention really can be in making such a post. Imagine the heat emanating from the moderators' secret forums.


(I'll post the rest of my spam later, I'm feeling sleepy.)

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