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Triple Slartifer, Part 4

Mea Tulpa

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When you're a girl and the guys of the house tend to lift the seat, falling into the toilet becomes more common place...


160 Frown and Wrinkled Lip - PBS detail

What you do when you're sad. Kids need to know these things.


197 The Impossible and I - Sober departing meditation


I leave thinking it is impossible?

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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Oh, so you were just sad that you'd be away from me and my charming personality then? That's nice wink.
Well, at least you've given up the pretense than Dantius was your first account wink

OK, let's call it a night. "The Impossible and I" was a sober meditation on the things in life that are and are not within our reach, in light of, essentially, the Unhappy Origin of Asteroids: the demise of a brief but passionate romance in the face of professional and geographical obligations that it could not be reconciled with.
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Perhaps you had just realized that you graduated college with a liberal arts major instead of something profitable/useful?
I graduated college 4 years earlier, and I knew very well what I was getting into with that major. Looked at in one light, my entire life has been an attempt to keep myself away from profitable, useful, worldly things. I mean, why do you think I spend so much time here?
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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
I graduated college 4 years earlier, and I knew very well what I was getting into with that major. Looked at in one light, my entire life has been an attempt to keep myself away from profitable, useful, worldly things. I mean, why do you think I spend so much time here?

I dunno, spending time here certainly doesn't preclude doing useful things. I can spend a couple hours on the Internet every night and check up on my iPhone throughout the day and still maintain a 9-5 job through the year, and I can check here as much as I like on days off and weekends. I guess I just presumed that's what everyone here did, there certainly don't seem to be many members here active 24-7.
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There is more in this world than a 9-5 job. It's a question of spending free time doing things that, you know, interact with the outside world in meaningful ways. Or forumwankery. Now back to my 333 PDNs. laugh


JUSTICE POINTS (pity points is a bit condescending)

+2 Rowen

+2 Jewels

+1 Dantius

+1 Dintiradan



+17 Triumph

+12 Dikiyoba

+9 Dantius

+5 Rowen

+5 Skwish-E

+5 Jewels

+4 Dintiradan

+4 Nikki

+3 Darth Ernie



62 Triumph

41 Dikiyoba

32 Dantius

21 Sarachim

20 Dintiradan

16 Jewels

12 Randomizer

09 Nikki

07 Rowen

06 Skwish-E

04 Niemand

03 Darth Ernie

01 The Ratt

01 Excalibur

01 Nioca


Don't despair, point plebeians: points will continue to increase in plentifulness, like the diameter of a cornucopia as we approach the gaping hole of the finale. There are 3 acts remaining, and in the next one each correct answer will be worth at least 2 points -- sometimes more.


The next one also will not show up until sometime tomorrow, or possibly Wednesday depending on how long it takes me to figure this **** tilde out.

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