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Is this a bug, or what?


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I would like to know what is going on with my Avernum 6 game. I am currently at level 31. (I hope I can explain this right.) According to what I've read in the forums, you're supposed to be able to get Riposte with 6 Parry and 6 Blademaster points, correct? I noticed a few levels back that my guy wasn't getting access to Riposte points at those levels so I used the editor (after saving the game) and according to it, I had to get at least 13 Parry and 12 Blademaster to get it. I am now at level 31, have 13 Parry and 14 Blademaster points and STILL can't get Riposte. So I used the editor again. NOW I have to get up to 21 Blademaster points to get it. The number requirements keep going up. What gives? Am I doing something wrong? Is this a bug? or what?

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That sounds like character traits. If you have the elite warrior trait, it gives you free levels in blademaster and parry. The bonus increases as you level up.


To unlock riposte, you need to have actually spent skill points to buy 6 levels of blademaster and parry. The points you get from traits, blessings and stat-boosting equipment you're wearing don't count at all. In Matt P's walkthrough (linked from the forum header) he lists the skill point costs that you would expect to see when you reach the required levels. By the time you've invested enough, Parry should cost 6 skill points to raise, and Blademaster should cost 8 skill points to raise.


Edit: Actually it's not linked from the forum header. D'oh. Avernum 6 FAQ and Walkthrough

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Well, I kind of wondered if it might be something like that (I do have the Elite Warrior traits this time around). It was just that the numbers seemed so much higher than the 'base numbers' and keep going higher and higher; I was to the point where I was going to use the editor to just cheat my up to where I get Riposte and Lethal Blow, even though I hate to cheat, it takes the fun/challenge out of the game.

So now I guess I'll just keep plugging along.

Thanks, Micawber, for taking the time to answer my question!

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