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A6 - Area west of river in Abyss, boats for Northern Isles

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Hey everyone. I've just started the endgame right now and am exploring Melchanion's realm, talking to people, and fighting monsters. I made it to the abandoned boatworks, and there weren't any boats. But I talked to someone in the game (I forget who, I think it was the ex-Fang clan dragon worshipper) about the Northern Isles, and asked if I could go there, and he said yes if I could find a boat.


So I started looking at the maps in the game, and there are a few points where I thought if you could get through, some of the hidden areas in the game would open up. These points are: the broken bridge east of Fort Spire, just north of Erika's Tower (I haven't done Gladwell's quests yet so am curious if maybe there is a secret passage from there), and Fort Emerald and just north of there. If you could find a way past any of these, all these areas could open up, and you could go visit Athron and the other dragons, plus whatever the heck is in that big area to the far left of the map to the north of Erika's tower.


I know you guys are saying the area is closed off, and it might be. But every other area in the game you can see, there's a way to get there. I think it would be inconsistent of Jeff to have an in-game character say there's a way of getting to a place and then have you not be able to do it. So I'm going to try and do it. If someone else has explored all areas, and tried Randomizer's tongue in cheek suggestion of gathering boards saws and ropes on the bridge east of Fort Spire, and failed, I'd like to hear it. If Jeff wants to step in and save some aggravation by saying it's impossible, I'd appreciate that, but ask him please not to do this in his next game. But who knows, maybe it is possible.

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Some aspects of Jeff's games are buried in the executable files that actually run the game engine. These include the ending texts, for instance. But an awful lot of the games are stored in editable plain text files, one or two for each zone of the map. So you can see all the zones that exist, and read through all the possible scripted events that can occur, and all the possible dialogs.


The Northern Isles are not part of Avernum VI.

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