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A6 - playing singleton: refuge demon quest impossible? (avernum 6)


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i'm almost finished with the game, and my singleton is at level 61 on normal difficulty setting. there's only one quest that i can't seem to finish: killing the demon accross the cavern in refuge area (the timed quest with the rising lava).


even though i switched my armor for this to get maximum stun resistance (90%), he always stuns me and i can't have enough turns to kill him before the lava rises up. even using invulnerable potions, battle crystals, arcane summon, etc..


has anyone with a singleton completed this quest? i'm thinking it must be impossible without the full party.. sigh..





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ah yes, thanks. i finally found a way around the stunning. they give you enough turns before the fight to summon, haste wand, and battle crystal. then since the demon won't move, i kept my player just two spaces away so he could only attack me from afar, (you have to be right next to him for him to stun you). then i made sure i used lightning and arcane blow enough so he and his little demons always attacked me and not my summons. that left just enough attack rounds for the three of us to kill him off. using the "kill" wand with battle discipline mighty blow really helped. i have about 35% fatigue removal so i could use that often enough.


i'm pretty sure i couldn't do this at a more difficult level though...

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