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A6 - All Magic Users or All Warriors


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Hi Folks


Has anyone ever tried any of the Avernum games with all magic casters or all warriors? I know there would be some really painful battles with some creatures either being incredibly resistant to magic or weapons. Anyway, what was your success like? What were your difficulties like? Also has anyone tried this specifically with Avernum 6? Any info would be cool.



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All fighters was very, very hard in previous Avernums. With dual-wielding as a viable source of damage it might not be impossible, but it's still not easy by any means. People have played with all casters several times and haven't seemed to have had extreme difficulty, but it's also not commonly attempted on the highest difficulty.


—Alorael, who actually doesn't think all casters is that bad except for the constant drain on energy. You can always summon if you need physical help, and there aren't many enemies immune to all magical forms of damage.

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You know what I wish had been in Geneforge? a mental magic spell that was similar to MindDuel from Exile 2 and 3 (not so much the spell point theft as the mental damage). I was a little surprised there wasn't a mentally damaging effect.


Aw, heck, I just miss MindDuel. I wonder if it can be made in Blades of Avernum? Can Blades add spells?

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Aw, heck, I just miss MindDuel. I wonder if it can be made in Blades of Avernum? Can Blades add spells?

You can simulate it quite well with items. BoA cannot add spells in the traditional sense. If Jeff would ever give us the source code (not going to happen until Jeff retires and maybe not even then) then we could get something like that.
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Originally Posted By: Archmage Brock
Aw, heck, I just miss MindDuel. I wonder if it can be made in Blades of Avernum? Can Blades add spells?

Not as such, but you can fake it with items that call scripts when used.

edit: this is what i get for taking a coffee break before posting
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I tried to do A5 with an all warrior party (giving everybody 1 level of priest, so they could do Minor Heal between fights), but I gave up part way through the Drake Pillars -- just too many locks that you can't open without magic and only one Tinker's Crystal in the entire game.


A6 should be easier, since you no longer need magic to open locks. Buffs aren't as important in A6 as they were in A5, and there are lots more buffing items available. Items like the Fiery and Frozen Blades are available relatively early and allow you to fight monsters that are only vulnerable to magical damage. I have a feeling, though, that the lack of Dispel Barrier would still make a magic-free party more annoying than fun.

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Originally Posted By: Thuryl
You do eventually get access to a supply of Tinker's Crystals in A5 if you join the Anama, and there are no high-level locks that you have to unlock in order to beat the game, but it still sucks.

Yeah, I know you can finish without the spell, but I ended up leaving so much stuff behind/unopened that it just didn't seem worth playing. I think when I quit was when I realized I wasn't going to be able to get into the upper level of Khora Vyss (or however you spell it... it's been a while).

I didn't know about the Tinker's Crystal supply from joining the Anama, though.
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