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A6 - Strength vs Weapons skill


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What about Blademaster? It should be unlocked by now. Invest in that. If you've already got lots of Blademaster, put points in Parry and try to unlock Riposte, or build towards Anatomy and Lethal Blow. Quick Action and Quick Strike are good options, too, if you haven't put much into them yet.


Seriously, there's no shortage of different skills to invest in as a fighter. I'm not sure how you get to the point where Melee Weapons costs 12 skill points in the first place.

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Blademaster gives you fatigue reduction, and it is not high enough until it is at 20, or close to 20 so that after a few more level bonuses you'll reach 20.


I just did some math on the other skills, which I'm posting on the other topic. Not so hot!

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To clarify, Strength and Melee/Polearms have the same effect on actually hitting enemies and dealing damage. The difference is in their secondary effects like skills and disciplines unlocked.


—Alorael, who would say yes, between the skills you've named Strength is the better investment.

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