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SYNERGY LIST: A6 Skills List


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The skill sets and requirements to unlock them have changed in A6. If you have corrections, or would like to add skill points investments required for each skill quantity, please post, and I will add them to the list.


Quick Strike: 5 Dexterity + 6 Melee or Pole

Parry: 5 Dexterity + 5 Defense

Blademaster: 9 Melee or Pole + 6 Strength

Anatomy: 4 Intelligence + 7 Melee or Pole

Gymnastics: 6 Dexterity + 4 Strength

Pathfinder: 4 Intelligence + 6 Nature Lore

Dual Wielding: 4 Dexterity + 7 Melee or Pole

Resistance: 5 Dexterity + 6 Endurance + 7 Hardiness

Magical Efficiency: 5 Spellcraft + 6 Intelligence

Lethal Blow: 5 Anatomy + 5 Blademaster

Riposte: 6 Parry + 6 Blademaster

Sharpshooter: 4 Dexterity + 6 Bows or Thrown


EDIT: Apologies to Randomizer for redundandacizing this list. I didn't catch that in time.




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