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Party Thoughts.

John May

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Hi I have come back to AV 5 for another go, since the new one out soon.


Can any of the experts give their thoughts on my Party ? and their development.


1. Human Soldier Elite Warrior, Divine touched

2. Nephil Rogue, Nimble Fingers, Deadeye

3. Nephil Priest, Pure Spirit, Divine Touched

4. Nephil Mage, Natural Mage, Divine Touched.


I am very new to the game so any help welcome.





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Not too bad. Trait choice is good except for Nimble Fingers, which isn't very useful: you can get the same effect just by putting a couple more points into Tool Use and First Aid, which are both cheap skills. Elite Warrior and Deadeye are both better choices, or you could even give that character Pure Spirit and make him into a secondary healer.


If you know what skills are important, it's usually more efficient to make everyone a Custom class and just put points in the skills you want, rather than using the default classes. But if you're not sure, most of the standard classes aren't a bad place to start.

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The first two are mistakes. Deadeye's okay but not great since archery damage doesn't scale up as quickly as magic or melee damage, and Nimble Fingers is a complete waste. Divinely Touched is so good there's no reason not to put it on everyone. Likewise, having Humans is a mistake since they deny you battle proficiencies.

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Since it's nice to get use out of all weapons, it's not a bad idea to have your two most melee-ish types specialize in swords and spears. That means a nephil and a slith, usually.


—Alorael, who usually goes with a similar party, except that his first character is a slith and his second has Divinely Touched and Elite Warrior again. He'll also mention that unless you're playing on Torment your current party should be more than adequate, and on Torment it should be workable.

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Ok Thanks for your pointers guys.


I finally settled on..


1. Slith Custom built Warrior EW, DT, Trained in Spears and Melee

2. Nephil Custom built rogue, EW, DT, Trained in Melee and Bow

3. Nephil Custom built Priest, Pure Spirit, Divine Touched Trained in Bow

4. Nephil Custom built Mage, Natural Mage, Divine Touched, Trained in Bow.


All looks good. Thanks.



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