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The Ornk (Possible Spoilers)[G5]

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Ive always wondered why there was only 1 ornk canister per Geneforge i know its an easter egg canister but why not make 3 hard hard to get ones as a uber-easter egg? I mean it would kinda cool to have like Your very own Glowing Ornk Lord or possiblty an oozebeast to pwn the stuffing out of your enemys with acid spray or for the ornk lord high health and one mean bite.


Personally id love to have an ornk lord it was one of my favorite Non-Pc Creation in geneforge 1.


Oozebeast is good too as it has acid spray and it has relatively higher health than your basic ornk Plus you see it in 4 of the 5 geneforge games so why not?


So as to my question, would you have liked the ability to create an awesomely powerful godlike ornk lord? An insanely poisonous Oozebeast to cover your enemys in goopy acid? I would've lol. NOTE:(This isnt a joke thread)


If theres anything else youd like to state about the Awesomest creation of all known as the ornk Please feel free to speak it Lawlz. laughsmilelaugh


Oh Btw I simply must add a poll to everything i post i prob wont at later times but its fun smile

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Ornk lord, theres no doubt about it...


Loyalist Scout:sir rebels are nearing the fort!

Loyalist General:What? How many?!

Loyalist Scout:well there seem to be 2 humans and 14 ornks sir.

Loyalist General: hahaha we will beat them to the hole they crawled out of!


5 days latter....

Shaper:we lost fort razor.

Shaper Councilor:what? the attack was made by ornks!

shaper:it turns out they had "ornk lords"...

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The ornks are tired of being the bottom of the food chain being eaten as food so from their secret shrines they have called upon their gods The ornk lords hundreds of them flow down creating hundreds of oozebeasts as troops and UberOozeBeasts as their captains This may be


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