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Theory on what happened to the G3 PC post G3/What happened to Tuldaric theory


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G3 PC theory: During G4, we were told that the Human rebels made their last stand in the south at Thornton city. G3 had the Rebel ending, which would mean that the G3 PC ends up becoming a general of the Rebels. Prik at the Illya safehouse said that all the Rebel human leaders with the exceptions of Litalia and Greta were killed there. So them it hit me; is it possible that the G3 PC was killed making her last stand with her army at Thornton? It might explain why Greta is not comfortable talking about it, and Alwan refuses to acknowledge it.


Tuldaric Theory: We never got confirmation that Tuldaric was killed in Drypeak valley following the Shaper purge there. Since Monarchs real history is not firmly known, is it possible that Tuldaric was Monarch? He would of been crazy enough to do it, and he was already instable from the canister use in G2.


What do you guys think?


The Last Theorizing Archon

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Typically the "canonical" ending used in the next game, doesn't match up 100% with any of the endings you can actually achieve in-game. So it is certainly not required that the G3 PC became a rebel general. The story you suggest is as plausible as any other possibility, but it isn't _more_ plausible than any other possibility, either.


Likewise for Tuldaric. I suppose it's possible that Tuldaric became Monarch, but there are very few bit part PCs about whose demise we get specific confirmation. He seems less likely than other possibilities (even the G3 PC) to me, because Tuldaric's area of expertise is pretty far removed from the stuff Monarch was working on.

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