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Forgive me if you've already dealt with this ...[G5]

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Did some searches to see if this has been addressed before, but no luck. I'm not the type to just go crashing into a forum begging for help, but, as a longtime Spiderweb fan who has played every single game, I am now ... begging for help.


Travald's Crypt. The -- how do I do this without spoilers -- ahem, things, marching in an, um, circle. I have been in that room with those -- things -- now for hours and getting flattened am losing my gourd. Any benevolent hints appreciated. Next time you're at the Three Kegs Inn, dried meat strips are on me.



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There are two ways to do this room. The easiest is with high enough mechanics you can remove a trap to get inside the pillars to avoid fighting.


The second is to survive the fight by avoiding getting too many of the constructs from attacking you. They will go away eventually so just keep healed. I never got one to be destroyed before they go away.

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A lot more, and it helps to swap items that add to mechanics when you face doors and traps. The maximum mechanics needed to get all the mines is 18, but you can easily finish the game with less.


Welcome to Spiderweb Software, please leave your sanity at the door.


Edit - You can try moving in the same direction so new ones don't join the fight. Also stay close to the center since they don't sense you as quickly. It also helps to have lots of armor to protect you. It depends upon your class and playing style.

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