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A4- ARG! Everything is empty o.0?!


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Ok so I just got my barrier removal spell and I'm going back to hit areas that I didn't get into before so I can get some nice gear. However, every time I remove one of the barriers that you couldn't remove with the stones, the chests are empty. In the spiral you have the first two sets of barriers with monsters and coffins behind each. I'm told there should be a ruby breast plate and a wisdom gem in each respectivly... empty. All of the coffins in the spiral that aren't behind barriers? Empty. The skull piles next to the boss down stairs? Empty. The boxes on the way to Lizard testing in the troll area? All empty. The boxes and stuff behind the barrier in the lizard testing area? All empty.


At first I thought it was due to Nature's Lore but I'm told that the heartstriker bow is the thing that requires the highest amount, and that it is a combined pool of all your characters levels of Natures Lore. Well, I tried raising them higher and I have 7 on my first 11 on my second 7 on my 3rd and 4th characters which is a combined pool of 32 points into Nature's Lore and still all these boxes are empty... even things that should just have crap stuff like bones or what not. What in the world is going on here?


I've tried to find a post that details something like this happening but although I've spent an hour or so here looking I can't find one. Does anyone know whats happening and how to fix it? I went to the fort west of the exit of the honeycomb prior to going to the Tower of the Mages and found that the same thing was happening there too...


Please help!!!



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Sounds like you have a corrupted save game file. Sometimes a game file gets information from another game overwriting what should be there. This usually happens when you reuse a game save slot that had an older game. Nature lore doesn't affect boxes, but only caches.


Your best bet is to go back to an earlier saved game and try again if you have one. Autosave might work depending upon how much you have explored.


Otherwise your only hope would be to edit a zone script file to give you the missing loot, but this problem may go through the rest of the game.

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NOOOOO!!!!!!! crap... ok so you're saying, that since I saved over a previous playthrough set of characters, that this one became corrupted with information from that playthorugh combining with this playthrough and so... now all the boxes will probably be empty for the rest of the game?! crap crap crap... dang.

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It's likely, since that problem occurred in Avernum 5 beta testing. It a rare but very nasty game bug. You may have some that work fine so what you can do is install the game from the compressed file in a different folder to generate new game save files that are blank. Then copy another saved game over to the new game save file of the same name (save game 0 to save game 0) and see if that fixes the problem.


You can send a compressed save game file to Jeff at jvogel@spiderwaresoftware.com giving your operating system and other information.

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