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Avernum V

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where are all the Slith's? There seems to be not much going on with them. In one, we beat them silly, in 2, they lived among us, in 3, they were almost non exzistant. I have yet to find many in 4, so maby in 5 they got their forces together and attacked avernum and the empire lands Both. What if we had to choose wich one we would defend, native home, or current home... decisions decisions, oh the possibilites. "please excuse my spelling, im tired" confused

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There have never been many friendly sliths besides Gnass, which is still there in A4 despite somewhat strained relations. Remember, between A3 and A4 Avernum fought another big war against the sltihs, so they're probably still not popular. The fact that they have yet another crazed cult can't help.


—Alorael, who didn't really see all that many more friendly nephilim. They don't even have their own village except for a small camp and a bunch of bandits!

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When did the Empire kill sliths except in passing? The only sliths on the surface were the ones in the Goldddale mines in A3.


—Alorael, who wonders why the surface-dwellers took the slith invasion so calmly. Either they were familiar with sliths already from the war or they just aren't that worried about hitherto unknown humanoid species appearing.

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There would have been some familiarity with sliths when they were slaughtering them during A2. I doubt that the Golddale Mine sliths were the only group to make it to the surface.


Besides Empire policy is to kill non-humans. A party with sliths will get attacked near Delis before you kill the Alien Slime if you encounter Empire patrols.

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