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Possible Hidden Treasure


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There's a square of trees somewhere that is used as a landmark by someone who gives you directions, but I don't think it's near Stormport.


—Alorael, who will say that you should go to the center of the square and then walk a fair way in all four cardinal directions. If you still don't find anything, you either need to find the person who gives you the instructions or the right square of trees.

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Yes, I think the mage in the Inn of Blades is the one who gives you directions with the tree square. The reward you get is the Identify spell, though, which is even less useful than a summoning spell. You're better off taking the metal lumps to Carmine.


—Alorael, who suspects that some of the geography was accidental and other geography was intentionally red herringed. Well, that or Jeff forgot to put in the relevant nodes.

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Calloc is not near Storm Port, and the mage in the Inn of Blades has nothing to do with the dryad. If you give her the special flowers found at the end of a long valley north of Libras, she'll tell you of a treasure you can get near Calloc, which, unfortunately, you can't get in the unregistered version.


Oh, and the metal lumps are actually Mithral, and can be either traded for a couple of spells (Summon Beast and Conflagration) or saved to me made into a Mithral Broadsword later in the game.


Urrr, I think your hidden treasure is just another thing from Jeff to get our goat, kind of like Erika's back room.

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Also, at (4, 452) in southwest Valorim there is an island you can get to using the Ord of Thralni. When you get there it is a special encounter about a hut and on it it says 'GO AWAY!' I when 'Approach and a dude came out and gave my party a disease. Does any-one know about this, and if so, what is it?

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