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A4 - Second Adventurer Trial

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Someone's probably already asked something like this, but I'm too lazy to spend too much time searching for it. That and I have a painfully evil programming assignment to worry about. Anyway.


I tried the second adventurer trial near Mortrax's cave and I failed. I got some message about the shade not doing enough damage to me or something. Normally I'd assume that my characters aren't of a high enough level, but I'm already in the great cave and am starting to assault Rentar's fort. Oh and I kicked the crap out of the shade. Am I still not damaging it enough or do I need to let it do more damage to me instead of healing my characters constantly? If anyone knows what's going on here I'd appreciate it.

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Kicking the crap out of the shade makes no difference. Letting it kick the crap out of you does. You can heal the damage, but you have to let it deal the damage first.


—Alorael, who found that the most efficient way to do it was to send in a single Augmented fighter to just get pummeled. It's not entertaining, but it works.

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