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Dex doesnt seem to increase bow damage..

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As much as the bow skill anyway. Seems only half as effective. I have been running around with a 10 dex nephil with 2 in bows and 3 in sharpshooter, and he regularly does half - 2 / 3 the damage of my 2 nephils with 2 dex and 10 in bows and 1 in sharpshooter ( all using cavewood bows ).


I was under the impression that dex, bow skill, and sharpshooter all increased the damage with bows by the same amount, but its clearly not the case in my experience.

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Originally written by Thuryl:
llama lord, if you don't actually know what you're talking about, consider not posting. (Hint: you don't ever actually know what you're talking about
Thank you. That guy has been bugging the hell out of me. But then again I guess it just wouldn't be the same boards if there wasn't a few trolls.
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