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Posts posted by Ohsky

  1. Succulents are great because the way to keep them alive is to leave them alone. They don't like overwatering. Make sure the soil is well-drained.




    Sylae's post was a bit rude, but you do have a history of making posts in General that are difficult to understand and don't contain very much content. Also, going back into a thread to take a parting shot at everyone in it after you said you were leaving isn't a very mature or productive thing to do: please avoid sweeping insults toward other members in future.


    Yet, you will always try to sell yourselves as innocent. What im really sorry is to disturb yourselves, because it wasn´t my intention at all, i was harshly threated and now every vampire will feed upon this, so what you think you are?.


    I just respected your capacity to write, why you didn´t mine. if you are a bunch of zealot elitists just say so and i wouldn´t bother. As far as i know, i am here because i see Spiderweb software has the potential to make good games today because they have already made a lot of great games.

  2. haah, the dreadful internet, the place where a bunch of nobodies like you all are, could team to humiliate another person as if it was not a big deal, without serious consecuences, because you wouldn´t dare to say what you say in my face, phisically, looking at my eyes. It´s all just a question of dialectics well developed to be part of the tribe, you think im stupid on being condescendending?, im experienced.

  3. Now i´m scared by such tight formality requirements. Not even on much more serious forums (not entertainment related) wich i participate in they are so strict on netiquette. Count me out of here. I´m sorry but i can´t be up to your standards.


    As i know this will happen again and again, i kindly ask for my profile with all it´s data to be removed from this forum, as i don´t seem to find a way to delete my profile myself.

  4. okay see youre still doing it, you should stop posting one/two sentence posts and post constructive things rather than spam the forum with rude and/or condescending garbage (correct me if i am wrong)


    you alone are accounting for 9% of todays posts on a forum that has more than ten people. all of your posts appear to be inane fluff. that is not a good thing




    do me a favor: ignore me.

  5. One of the stupidest things also is the hints they give you to avoid certain enemies, patrols, etc, using stealth, or whatever other means. By doing so you lose precious Xp, wich is scarce in games in wich enemies don´t respawn, and by that you will end up a low leveled idiot wich can´t face situations and bosses you can´t evade through that same stealth, wich are critical to advance further in the game.


    So stealth is useless in most of situation save a bit, kill everything on sight as soon as you can, gain the precious xp so you can pass that unavoidable situation later or you will be stucked forever in game for being too low on everything.

  6. Now now sugarcube, it's okay to not like things but let's be nice about it, maybe provide some constructive criticism about the subject in hand.


    I expect a fifty-page treatise on the matter on my desk by tomorrow morning, young man.


    diarrhoeaaa :blink:


    not really, i just don´t like wine, simple beer is better

  7. For the record, the narration itself mentions several times that it's common practice for records of a barred site to be destroyed, although the series seems to vacillate a bit on whether this means records of their very existence or just of everything that went on there. To hold that what's really meant is that the records are hidden away somewhere, you have to make the argument that the narration is outright lying, in a way that it doesn't do on such a scale about anything else.


    Many abandoned facilities are abandonded on a rush so everything recorded is kept inside there as it´s sealed. Thus the player later discovers what went there to some extent on entering after x years.

  8. They left many sealed places behind because they didn´t got nukes to erase them at that time. It´s pretty obvious why they can´t clear all the mess they leave behind as they don´t have the power to do it. They are monkeys playing with fire and yes they get burnt by it as they don´t know how to extinguish the fire.

  9. Please don't. Topic derailment is a beautiful, natural phenomenon. Any attempt to deliberately derail topics leads to posts like this one; husks of posts, completely devoid of merit or humour. :(


    ok :grin:

  10. I think Shaper society in peaceful times was stability at the cost of material freedom, there was also a mental freedom cost but it was bypassable through spirituality. That is clearly mentioned in one of the games, don´t know if G3 or G4.


    Refugees always look for themselves and to the continuality of their way of life because they have no other aspirations, they don´t see further than their own way of survival wich tends to make them very egotistic in nature. They are more mundane and simple, wich doesn´t mean inferior to the rest in any sense, just different because they, as everyone else, has the potential to make a significant difference in the general scheme of things. When such shaper stability was broken, they were the collateral damage firsthand because of their own addiction to it.

  11. Indeed what caught me by suprise on the Geneforge series, and before that, on Avadon, is the very well developed depth of the morals involving the consecuences of war as being somewhat realistic to an extent, from my perspective; politics, conspiracies, diplomacy, etc. Maybe i don´t have played enough Rpgs, but those that i did weren´t as well written in such area, so complex. Wich is quite admirable. What is dissapointing is the fact that i didn´t found i could join any side at all. Joining a side means your morality is flawed about your respect towards all forms of life, from my perspective, but anyone can call up to moral relativity to excuse themselves from their decisions on what side to take.


    But then, what i am doing playing a game like this if i am so pacifistic, in real life?, is this game asking for me to care about the pawn i have killed with my queen playing chess?. The morality implied in this inert videogame makes me think about it in such a weird way. Deep morals embedded on entertainment.

  12. So this Rawal has just sent me to kill a Banana. "Platano". In the Taygen area, so i still haven´t met that evil Taygen you talk about.


    Basically an evil char is just that sociopathic. The end justify the means and to save themselves from any morality everything else is collateral damage. Anyone excusing himself on moral relativity could end up being as evil as one could imagine, but on his own image of himself, he´s doing, just the right thing for everyone else.


    But narcissism and egocentrism, sociopathy, psychopathy are the common denominator in this planet, not only amongst the elites of psychopaths who rule it, but amongst a considerable amount of the population. Such behaviour is sponsored by the media wich is full of propaganda about it. Lies, subterfuge, conspiration in the shadows, black projects, use of jackals like the player, so forth and so on, nothing special in any way.


    Neutral evil characters could be the most dangerous of all evil chars as they are not bound by any kind of collective code or traidition so they can switch sides as they see fit.


    Basically as i am doing in this game myself. I don´t like either the shapers or the rebels, so i aid them both, hurt them both when i want to, even help the trakovites a little. Can´t get further and swear to be one with their different agendas, wich are all the same: the end justify the means. It´s so mentally dizzing that i don´t care about any faction anymore. Didn´t care in the beginning, but now even much less.


    It still makes the game dissapointing on not pointing for just one real direct evil to banish instead of three, six, seven, whatever. And if you decide to banish any evil, you become a monster yourself in the process, because there are always innocent people involved, with their own respectable personal stories amongst all factions. I end up with my head like a balloon. :tired:

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