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Guardian of Eternity

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Everything posted by Guardian of Eternity

  1. In a saloon in my scenario, I want to get an NPC drunk. Here's the dialogue snippet that I'd like to have checked: Code: begintalknode 61; state = 58; personality = 8; nextstate = 58; condition = (get_flag(1,6) < 5) && (coins_amount() >= 10); question = "Buy him a drink."; text1 = "Drink buying text."; code = change_coins(-10); inc_flag(1,6,1); break;begintalknode 62; state = 58; personality = 8; nextstate = -1; condition = get_flag(1,6) == 5; question = "Tell us about the bandits."; text1 = "Talks about bandits."; action = END_TALK; I'm essentially using the node conditions to create a loop, instead of putting the loop in the code. Thanks in advance for telling me if this will work or not, and if not... is there a better way to do it?
  2. Holy smokes! That's all it is? Thank you very much, Kelandon. That's one of those nagging things that I keep forgetting, while I edit: coordinating the scripts and the graphical editor. For instance, I had such trouble with the dialogue script for one of my towns, until I realized that, in the graphical editor, I hadn't specified what script the town should follow (and subsequently which dialogue script). If that's how it works for the outdoors, then I just need to find where to specify that.
  3. Finally back to work on my scenario, tentatively titled "Evil East," and I'm trying to get the hang of the outdoor script calls for dialog boxes, rewards, etc. I noticed in VoDT that there are scripts titled o00Northweste, o01Southweste, and so forth. I can tell that the titles of the scripts are indicative of which outdoor section (in X,Y coordinates) to which they apply. My question is this: What do I need to do to fashion some of my own outdoor scripts? Is it as simple as putting the right title on the word-processing document, or is there more to it?
  4. Sorry for the practically-double post, but I just had to ask... do many of you use the pre-made classes (Berzerker, Archer, Rebel, etc.) or do you just go with a Custom?
  5. So, in short, has this thread refuted the original four-character party originally put forth, of a human tank, two nephil archer-priests, and a human mage priest, using the (advantageous) "disadvantages" to boost level gain? I, for one, am still up in the air on the strategy of giving "disadvantages" for level gain and giving "advantages" to *slow* level gain. Also, I'd pretty much agree about mage spells... with a few exceptions (soul capture/simulcrum, create illusions, etc.), they're not that great. Priest spells are great. Anyhow, just thought I'd chime in... I've been slacking at playing BoA ever since I stalled in Bahssikava... I might just build a party along these lines in the HLPM or just edit one up. There are scenarios coming out that I want to enjoy.
  6. EDIT : Never mind about this. I was going to get a terrain script checked, but figured out what I might be doing wrong. Sorry.
  7. Just might. I just looked up that call in the appendices. I'll have to try it. Should make things a lot shorter than making some kind of terrain script, if I can call it from, say, some state of the town script... I'll get back to you on it, but if past experience shows anything, your suggestion will fix it. EDIT: Okay, got the cabinet to appear. Do I now need to construct a small terrain script in order to search it? I intend to put a dialog choice here, not real items, so I can't use the put_item command (never mind that it wouldn't put things *inside* the cabinet). If I need to put together a terrain script, I can do it, but I need to know one additional thing. Where to do I put the condition that makes the space searchable after I make the cabinet appear? In the SEARCH_STATE, or somewhere else?
  8. I've been combing the docs and searching threads, here, but I don't know how to trigger a terrain to appear. I'm working on having an appearing vahnatai cabinet. I just have no idea what to put in a terrain script that could make it suddenly appear. I apologize that this is all very general complaining. I'm still getting the hang of terrain scripting. I've already figured out how to get a chest to give a special item, but the icon change here is giving me a headache. Any ideas are welcome. I need to make this cabinet appear, and be able to be searched. From there, I think that I can manage things.
  9. Funny thing... I went in to fix some things, generally clean up the code, and I found a few mistakes of mine... for the condition for the code in one of my talk nodes, I had ended a condition with "break" instead of "end." Fixing that solved the rest of the problems I had been having with the script, that I can tell.
  10. Every time I enter a town in the scenario I'm designing, I get the error: "Dialogue script error: in line 151." If anybody can tell me what this means, I'd appreciate it. My dialogue script is pretty long, and if I could avoid posting it, that'd be nice. But if I need to, go ahead and let me know.
  11. Is there code to make only one character in a town become hostile towards your party?
  12. Is there any article or advice anybody can give me about tailoring my scenario for a specific party level? (I'm aiming for a higher-level scenario, if I can help it)
  13. My mistake. Fixed it--code works without visible errors, now.
  14. All right, all right, this is me committing all sorts of etiquette breaches... I do apologize for the double post, but this is exciting and relevant, for me. I have playtested the empty/full waterskin system. I'm using Dahak & Kelandon's dehydration routine... I've pushed my party to the point where I get damage, before, and now I've made the complete exchange, using the code I posted in this thread. I can now proceed with building the rest of my scenario, having safely navigated this key system!
  15. Here's what I ended up doing, synthesizing Kelandon and Sagieuleaux's suggestions... Code: beginstate 20; if (has_special_item(1) >= 1) { reset_dialog(); add_dialog_str(0,"Fill up your empty waterskins?",0); add_dialog_choice(0,"Fill"); add_dialog_choice(1,"Leave"); water_choice = run_dialog(0); if (water_choice == 1) { set_flag(0,20,has_special_item(1)); change_spec_item(0,get_flag(0,20)); change_spec_item(1,(get_flag(0,20) * -1)); set_flag(0,20,0) = 0; print_str_color("Skins filled.",2); } } break; Incidentally, my playtesting in Blades now says that I have a missing semicolon... I don't suppose you see where I need one, in there? I don't see it, but I was only working on this section, except for the variables section, where I deleted "empty_skins" in favor of that SDF. EDIT: The missing semicolon might, for some strange reason, be in the "print" statement near the very end, since when I test, it won't print that message.
  16. Personalities for in-game characters can be changed by selecting a character (with the little white pointer-finger) and then, when the text about the character shows up at the bottom of the editor, under the viewing window, click on Edit this Creature.
  17. Working on getting a dialog choice to work. I understand the format now that I rooted around in the scripts from... I think it was VoDT. But I have a condition to start my dialog choice, and I think that something there is stopping the condition that regulates the actions from the choice from working... Code: beginstate 20; if (has_special_item(1) >= 1) { reset_dialog(); add_dialog_str(0,"Fill up your empty waterskins?",0); add_dialog_choice(0,"Fill"); add_dialog_choice(1,"Leave"); water_choice = run_dialog(0); if (water_choice == 0) { has_special_item(1) == empty_skins; change_spec_item(0,empty_skins); empty_skins == 0; print_str_color("Skins filled.",2); } } Could also be the fact that I try to equate the number of special item 1 (empty waterskins) to the variable empty_skins, so I can carry the variable over for the number of special item 2 (full waterskins) to be added. Pick it apart, if you would. :-)
  18. Oh, excellent! Thanks, Kelandon! This is exactly what I needed... Heh... must've overlooked it somewhere in the documentation... Thanks again. I'll work out what all the particulars in that script are, but it looks like I have a feel for it. EDIT: Okay, I got the special item addition to work. But I'm still fuzzy on how to get a dialog choice to work. I looked at the docs, and I'm not clear on what code to put in after the run_dialog command. I know that the choice the player makes is returned *somewhere,* but I don't know how to make different things happen depending on that choice.
  19. Couple of questions, separated into calling "specials" (as the editor calls them) a.k.a. script states, in town and outdoors. First--I'm able to call script states in town when the characters *walk through* them. I can get dialog messages to pop up, but I've had trouble making other things happen. For instance, I set up a little resting function. The party approaches a bed, gets the dialog choice to rest or not, but whatever I choose, it won't rest the party. Also, I'm still not able to set up a call when the party *looks* at an item, i.e. a chest, to give them, say, a special item. Second, I can't even get a call to print dialog, from a field I set up outdoors. Any advice anybody can give after my muddled explanation up there is appreciated.
  20. Is there any way to have an effect *only* in the outdoors? I'm talking about Dahak's "dehydration" code (edited by Kelandon). I had never wandered around long enough in my in-progress scenario (unnamed) to notice it, but the damage-factor activated while I was walking around in a town. Ideally, I want to keep this effect only on the outdoor map, not inside of towns. So, is there a way to do this? Am I just putting it in the wrong place in my scenario script?
  21. Thanks to both of you. I'll have to quit bugging people on forums, I guess... look through the stuff I have.
  22. Thank you. I haven't looked through that one yet, but I ought to have thought of digging around in the other scripts. I've looked at them before for stuff like how to format dialogue scripts, et cetera... I suppose I'm just getting a bit lazy, here. I just moved into college and I haven't been working on the scenario too much.
  23. Must I declare custom terrain in the scenario script before the terrain icons (downloaded from the Louvre) will show up in the editor? EDIT: renamed downloaded picture and then changed back to its original name...
  24. All right... I got frustrated and deleted the two "choice" nodes in my town script... So I'm going to ask someone to put a tiny, rinky-dink little node code up here. All I need to look at is the code. It can be totally generic, like the difference between printing two messages. I want to pick it apart so I know what in the world I was doing wrong with my code.
  25. Okay... when it comes to modifying this for my own purposes, I have a couple of small, dumb questions... a tick is one step, outdoors, unless there's some call like set_ticks_forward, or something similar, correct? I had another question about the SDFs in the script, but I think I can answer that one myself... EDIT: I was poking around in the code, and I'm going to have to add a bit... Where you put change_spec_item(water,-1), I'm adding, after that, change_spec_item(empty,1), and adding the appropriate short variable. Ideally, this will be a circular process, with the chance to fill empty water bags at watering holes, towns, et cetera. Let me know if you have any ideas on that... although filling will be far easier a code than dehydration.
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