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Everything posted by Acheld

  1. Hi, I've recently got into the Geneforge games via gog.com, and am having a heck of a time with the keyboard. Specifically, I use a DVORAK keyboard layout, and there seems to be no way to get the game to recognize that fact, nor any way to reassign the hotkeys (which I could normally do as a workaround). This is compounded by the fact that I use a blank keyboard . Is there anything I am missing, or alternative? Thanks
  2. Just thought I'd let you know, the geneforge series is now available at gog.com (DRM free! Unlike steam games) for $10 total. http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/geneforge_15 Never going to beat that price, so if you were hesitating, like I was, now's the time. Currently enjoying the game for the first time.
  3. I don't honestly know whether this is something you changed, or whether it's a quirk of the vanilla game, but: Bronze Bracers: Value: 40 Armor: +6% -5% hit chance +1% to evade attacks Fine Steel Gauntlets: Value: 250 Armor: +6% -5% hit chance So that the latter is strictly worse than the former. Still having loads of fun with your mod!
  4. I think there is a mistake in the "Warmth Ring". It gives +15% to melee damage, when I think you intended it to give +15% to cold resistance. In the meantime, my melee fighter is happily taking advantage of it ;D
  5. Originally Posted By: ShieTar Whoah, Whoah. Seems there is some dangerous misinformation in this thread: Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan There's no money cap, so you can stack as much cash as you want. I just ran into the cap, it is 30000. (Windows version, at least). I was saving up to train with Erika, guess I need to get some other spending out of the way first. Indeed, I suffered from the misinformation I just noticed I was stuck at 30,000, and came on here to correct the error you have already corrected. I don't know how much money I lost... Suppose it wouldn't hurt to add 5,000 gold to my characters, though ;D
  6. Ah, yes. I wasn't thinking that if you had 10 or more AP at the start of the round, you'd want to perform an action, and *then* activate adrenaline rush anyway. Anyway, I think that's more reason to leave it at 15 AP. The only other alternative I see is to make it go to three actions at QA 12, or something like that, which can be achieved with trainers.
  7. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S Yeah, that's exactly the dilemma. One thing to note is that Haste gets 3 chances to activate off any Adrenaline Rush: once when you use the discipline, and then on the two actions you take. So if AR gives 15 AP or more, and you have Haste on, you actually do have a 19/27 chance of getting three actions off. So actually, at 15 AP it is quite usable for casters, although probably not worth 10 skill points, which is fine. I'd put it at 18 for Gymnastics, but that also hands it to anyone in Mercuric armor. I'd prefer to avoid that. Hm, you could always put it at 17, then. Gymnastics at 10 points gives you a pretty decent chance of getting 2 or more bonus AP. I'm not 100% certain if haste works right when you activate adrenaline rush. Maybe it does and I haven't noticed; I'll observe. You're right, at least, about the two actions after you've activated it.
  8. It might be a good balance to put the maximum at 18. That way, if they have another source of AP (such as gymnastics), it can push them over into three actions.
  9. I also just observed that if it's at 15 AP, there is little incentive for casters to invest in quick action, as they will get 2 actions even with no investment in QA. That means, of course, that adrenaline rush doesn't benefit in any measurable way from QA investment. Don't know if that's bad or good. bladeshield seems to be working as intended, now.
  10. I dunno, I kind of like the 20% penalty. 10% I think would still not make me hesitate. It fits, too; you're giving up defense for a flurry of offense, basically, in both cases. I would keep it at 15 AP, also. The penalty of 20% hurts fighters more than casters, as they will be on the front lines. I think by keeping at 15 AP, you make it a real question as to whether it's worth it for casters to invest in that direction. If it's at 20, then it will always make sense for casters to do so, in my opinion.
  11. Excellent update; I like the re-balancing, though I'm not sure both the fewer APs and the weakness effect are necessary for adrenaline rush. The weakness effect works well; not only does my protection spell fail to cancel it, but it simply fails to work at all, so I'm facing a 20% increase in damage taken, and a 20% increase in enemies hit-rate. It's definitely making me hesitate, at least for the longer battles. (The shorter ones are still over before the penalties matter) In battles that will last more than a round or two, Battle frenzy now totally outclasses adrenaline rush. Which, I think, is a good thing, as it's something that fighter classes will get to, but is even farther out of the reach of casters than adrenaline rush. I don't personally think the weakness effect works well with blade shield.
  12. I think, re: cloaks, it may be best to just accept that those who want to play a boring game with 4 of the same type of character will be able to powergame a bit via the cloaks. I don't think it's a big deal. Thanks again for all your work.
  13. It might be okay, on reflection. As I mentioned in passing, I'm playing on Torment, but giving my characters an extra skill point and stat point each level. This makes it not too demanding to get the 10 quick action. It might no be a problem for someone playing with the standard skill point allotment.
  14. Ah, sorry; I guess I didn't realize a cloak was in the same category as status effect. It's obvious, upon reflection.
  15. Yeah, you're probably right on that. Also, another point of feedback: Though the other battle disciplines are certainly neater than they were before, I still don't find myself using anything but adrenaline rush, ever, especially since the standard protection spell eliminates the weakness you added to it. You might consider nerfing it even more, to just give 15 AP instead of 20, say. Enough for 2 actions.
  16. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Originally Posted By: Acheld Should have split my steel javelins into two stacks before loading it up, but ah, well. What can you do? =D Split up your steel javelins into different characters and sell unneeded ones because a stack becomes a single one and you will lose the money for selling the extras. Yes, I realized that too late, though. Re: Cloaks. Why not something that helps everyone offensively, but in different ways. e.g.: Cloak of Curses Cloak of Speed (gives some small number of AP to each player, or a chance of AP; maybe at level 3 it guarantees it. Not sure what the right balance would be) Cloak of Power (increases damage of all kinds by some percentage; a lower one than would be increased by any of the individual damage increasing ones) Cloak of Godliness (or some other adjective) (This one would give the effects of all of the other three cloaks, but at a lower level. Possibly something like: Level 1: Effects of lvl 1 cloak of curses, and lvl 1 cloak of speed Level 2: effects of lvl 2 cloak of curses, lvl 1 cloak of speed, lvl 1 cloak of power Level 3: effects of lvl 2 of all three lower cloaks.
  17. The weakness on adrenaline rush is a good idea, but easily counteracted by having my priest use it last, then cast Protection (which overrides it). Don't know what else you could do about that, though.
  18. Awesome! I had been anticipating this mod for a few days, and when I started a game, I've kept every "special" item I've found; I had about 25 of them accumulated in one character's inventory. It's really neat to load it up and see that so many of them, formerly useless, are now pretty neat. Should have split my steel javelins into two stacks before loading it up, but ah, well. What can you do? =D I play on torment, but use the editor to give my characters an extra stat point and skill point every level, which allows them to diversify without making the game impossible. So, now I've got my archer with sword and shield when forced into melee, my priest with a pole weapon as backup, my dual wielder with javelins when necessary, and my mage with sword and shield and a bow as backup. I'll give razordisks to my priest when they come along, I think. Liking it so far, even though it's only been 10 minutes! Thanks so much. Honestly, if you removed the cloaks and such, I'd probably edit them back in for my own use using the current files you've got up, but it's your mod, your call.
  19. The big advantage to cloaks and wards is that they give a buff that you don't have to tediously cast at the beginning of each fight. I wouldn't be opposed to a replacement that also maintained itself, but replacing it with another spell that had to be manually cast each battle would add very little other than frustration, I think. Question: if I load up this mod, will it retroactively change the items I have in my current game, or do I have to restart to get the new items. I'm not worried about skills, as I can always "editor" to redistribute.
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