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Posts posted by Caribou16

  1. It would be a neat mechanic if, as difficulty increased, the strategy if the monsters changed as well as just a health/damage increase.


    Maybe they would be less susceptible to the warrior trait that causes them to attack the tank, or they would know to gang up on a priest or mage to knock out the groups healer/main damage source.

  2. Originally Posted By: Lilith
    Originally Posted By: Slart of Glass
    RE: Return Life. Maybe if it had a reduced cost (or provided regeneration or buffings) at higher levels, it'd be more worthwhile?

    Or have level 1 revive characters at 1 HP, level 2 revive at half HP and level 3 revive at full HP. It'll only really matter if you're reviving characters in combat, but that's a very powerful application of the spell, so it's still a meaningful difference.

    Or casting return life does damage to undead monsters!
  3. Originally Posted By: SapientCrow
    I meant like messages like you have received a medal...
    they seem to stay on screen for a random amount of time and often times very long.

    And that's it for speed? things move so fast I can scarcely read what npcs in towns are even saying. Is there any external program that would slow things down more?
    I feel like I am perma hasted...
    Oh and is it possible to disable auto save?

    Just out of curiosity, what version of the game are you running and on what platform/system?
  4. Originally Posted By: ShieTar
    I would prefer to buy it on Impulse, where most of my Games are, but Steam will have to do for now.

    Though I wouldn't have minded to pay the 20$ on Steam. I am already playing for over 70 Hours, and still not quiet finished with my first playthrough.

    I am the same way. I prefer to have all my games through Steam. I've even re-purchased games I already owned on discs.

    A:EftP happened to be cheaper on Steam, but even if it was the reverse, I still would have picked it up that way.
  5. Plus, there are probably many people who just don't know about it. I had never even heard of the series until I happened to see it on sale on Steam.


    $20 (or $10 from Steam) is NOTHING for a game as rich and deep as this. I can see the younger crowd being turned off by the simple graphics, but I doubt that's a big loss, since they're less likely to have the money to spend on games. (Of course, now that I am old enough to have the money, what I lack is the time to play them!)

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