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Everything posted by Nokum

  1. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Nokum but you would think with a soldier using it it wouldnt affect them...but i guess not =/ Well, if you raise your combat stats and skills high enough, you can get your hit rate to 95% even with armour penalties. Nice to know thanks
  2. but you would think with a soldier using it it wouldnt affect them...but i guess not =/
  3. Why does all the armor i pick up have a -5% to hit chance? Seems like just about everything i pick up has that. Do i need a certain trait or what?
  4. I bought Avernum: Escape from the pit yesterday (the 11th) and I'm very much enjoying it, and I'm wondering does spiderweb software plan to remake anymore of the old exile series or are they testing the waters with this one to see about future remake?
  5. I just use Pandora and listen to soft rock
  6. Uninstall - reinstall?...back up saves
  7. I had the same problem when playing Geneforge 1, didn't really give it much thought but like you said it was really noticeable on Geneforge 2 and rather annoying when your mouse is skipping around all over the place. I have a custom built computer quad core processor and all that jazz and I still get slow down, and I can't seem to figure out why.
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