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Blue Summer Sky

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Everything posted by Blue Summer Sky

  1. I realy like this cover of Animal Collective's On the flip side of that, I really liked Animal Collectives cover of Nirvana's Panic At the Disco's cover of from the musical "Little Shop of Horror" is also pretty good Reel big fish did a nice cover of Hungry like the wolf , although I must admit I've never heard the original. I prefer the original, but Andrew Jackson Jihad did a really nice cover of NMH's
  2. The ability to go back on any moment in my life while still retaining all my knowledge. I'd go back and live a few lives as a child prodigy, or maybe be an Olympic athlete, or I'd cut my eyes out and see what it would be like to live life as a blind person. The beautiful part would be I could go back at any moment and undo it. I could experience every single life imaginable, or I could just keep going back over and over again and be a child/teenager/grandparent for a few hundred years. The only problem is I'd only be able to experience a few dozen years of the worlds history, I'd never get to be a Roman Legionary, or a bank robber in the wild west, or a villager in ancient China.
  3. For the time freezing while I age, I'd probably take two hours a day out of my sleeping schedule, it would give me some extra time to catch up on work/school, abut wouldn't kill me that much sooner. For being trapped in my room, assuming I dont age, I'd add a few years every day, that would be a fantastic opportunity and I'd be a fool not to take it up. Although I can imagine it getting boring and lonely fast, just a few years isn't that bad. As long as I can find sufficient entertainment. And I'd love to be able to spend weeks at a time doing nothing in particular other then sleeping and staring at the ceiling. Not to mention being able to read through entire libraries in a week, or learn an instrument a day. My only worry would be how little time I'd spend in real life compared to fantasy life, it would be like the rest of the world would no longer exist other then brief visits every once in a while. Maybe if I could freeze time for a few years once a month, then be able to spend extended amounts of time around my family and reality.
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