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Everything posted by frendlyspider

  1. How can i take balkis's journal from the pedestal?
  2. Thank you for your help I I thought i needed to use the flowers from this scenario
  3. Ok so im in Balkis estate and i have to find the ingredients for a poison antidote.Zaine poisoned me.I have the ingredients.Quicksilver and ember flowers.But every time i try to make the potion it says that i dont have the ingredients even though i have them.Now what?
  4. A really long scenario and probably the best of all with a lot of very difficult parts of the game. Best
  5. The scenario is short.You can pass it in 10 days or less and there is a secret door in the final castle that lets you bypass Khoth the dragon and the conveyor belts altogether saving you a lot of time and energy. Good
  6. i found raiden.Thanx for your help Keeper
  7. I figured it out.You have to press the use icon on the troglo map while in the giants cave and they will let me through.Let see if i can make it to raiden without any more obstacles
  8. I found only one cave with giants and they wont let me through even though i have the map.If i try to go through they kill me without a fight.Is there another cave of the giants?
  9. How do i find Raiden at mount bleak?I cant seem to find him anywhere
  10. Ive figured it out You have to steal the scribes robes from the cabinet in one of the rooms in the keep and equip them to pass the guards
  11. How do you get in the records hall in zeniths keep?
  12. http://www.personal.psu.edu/bxb11/boe/alexandriajs/search.htm Check it out if you havent already
  13. For anyone who wants to know Blades of exile is compatible with windows 7 although you might have some problems running it from time to time but it works 80% of the time
  14. Blades of exile is definitely more fun.I like the old styled graphics in exile way more then the modern graphics in avernum.Also.Blades of exile has more spells and more scenarios if i am not mistaken.Great scenarios.I recommend blades of exile.
  15. I figured it out.You have to touch the pedestals in a certain order to get the door to open using the note i found in a hidden room on the first floor.Thank you for your help Miramor
  16. I tried using the scenario editor but its asking me for a password and i dont know the password.What IS the password for at the gallows scenario?
  17. I see.What about those pedestals with chairs?They also make noises.Do you have to do something with them too?
  18. How do you escape at the gallows scenario?I cant seem to find an exit.
  19. how do you pass the Barrier spire level 2?I cant seem to get to that lever to turn the elevator power on.There is a hidden room near the lever and a sign that says "start here"and four runes on the floor. Start what and does it have something to do with the runes on the floor?
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